With Millie’s interests more focused on my love life than helping me keep the boutique in order, she plops her backside onto the counter next to the cash register, then asks, “Did he say why he got back into the family business? You sounded pretty convinced that he didn’t want anything to do with his family only a couple of years ago.”

I’ve spent the first two hours of my shift updating her on everything that’s happened since I last saw her. Considering it was only seven days ago, there was a ton of stuff to discuss. Unsurprisingly, most of it centered around Matvei and me. I still feel like I’m living in a fairy tale. That’s why I evenly split our time between my apartment and Matvei’s penthouse. It will keep me grounded, which is virtually impossible with how much Matvei spoils me.

Although I’ve begged time and time again for him to stop spending money on me, I secretly love that every gift is as wicked as it is expensive. Like the diamond necklace he gifted me during our first date, the matching tennis bracelet and anklet came with a sex toy as well.

When I shudder while recalling the butt plug that came with my anklet, Millie arches a brow, reminding me I haven’t answered her question.

I shake my head. “I’ve tried to bring it up, but he always shuts me down.”

Bile burns the back of my throat when she asks, “Are you sure he and Saka aren’t related?” She laughs when she spots my expression. “What? They have a lot in common.”

“They do not, and if you say that again, you’ll ruin my sex life for eternity.”

“So I should!” She tosses a cash register roll at my head. “Three times a night for the past week, and you’re still staring at the clock, counting down the minutes until he whisks you to his palatial hotel. I’m so damn jealous.”

I try to lessen her envy. “It’s his brother’s hotel.” Okay, maybe not all her jealousy. “And I had four Os last night. You forgot about the one in the shower.”

Millie groans before hopping off the counter. “I’m going home.”

“To?” I ask, certain she only mumbled half of her reply.

When she spins and walks backward, her brows waggle. “But don’t worry. I’ll be back with your lunch soon and to help with that big order.”

I love how she’s stepped up to the plate to help me run the store while Polina plays house with Yev, but I have a special guest arriving for lunch today, and I spent an hour in the shower this morning preparing for his visit, so no homemade sandwiches for me today. “Could you cover for me instead of eating with me?” Millie can’t decide whether to groan or yahoo when I admit, “Matvei wants to take me out to lunch.”

She goes for needy. “Will you bring me back a doggy bag?”

“Of course.” I’ll say anything if she agrees to my request. I’ve been working twelve-plus-hour days the past week, so the only time I get with Matvei is a measly couple of hours before I fall asleep from exhaustion. We’ll just keep it between us that it is Matvei’s fault I’m so tired.

“All right. I’ll be back in around an hour.”

She glares at me when I ask, “Will you be done by then?”

“Clearly those vibrating panties he bought you were last year’s model.” She makes a vrr-vrr noise. “I’m usually done in under a minute.”

I shudder at the thought of going back to solo stimulation, before greeting the customer Millie scares when she dramatically tosses open the door and saunters out with her head held high.

“Just a minute,” I shout from the storeroom when the bell chimes. Today has been fast and profitable. It always is when the wind whips off the coast. We’re almost out of coats.

I am about to leave the storeroom when an object on the third shelf grabs my attention. I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, but with Polina too scared to come down here without a chaperone, I know these shelves like the back of my hand.

A box of condoms wasn’t there last week, and they’re open as if recently used.

“You naughty little minx,” I murmur to myself when I blame the anomaly on Polina and Yev rehashing old memories.

With my heart happy for my friend, I practically skip out of the storeroom, crashing straight into a hard wall of chest.

I apologize to the man I bumped into, realizing I knocked items out of his hands.

When I bob down to collect his things, he mutters, “It’s fine.”

He snatches the items I collected out of my hand before stuffing them into the front of his overalls. His choice of clothing puts him out of place in a high-end fashion store, not to mention his stained boots.