His nostrils flare when he bobs down in front of me to guide a lacy thong up my thighs. I’m almost certain I smell as much like him as I do myself. I spent the night cocooned in his arms after we thoroughly intermingled our scents.
As the elastic of my G-string snaps against my skin, I ask, “Can I think about it?” He peers up at me. “It isn’t a no, Matvei.”
His crooked smirk exposes he doesn’t appreciate the humor in my tone, but since he has no time to discipline me for it, he stores his retaliation for a later date. “It isn’t a yes, either.” Before I can tell him his expectations are outrageous, he says, “But I can accept a maybe.” The dress he pulls over my head floats past my erect nipples when he warns, “But I am not a patient man, Natalya. Don’t keep me waiting.” He brushes the back of his hand down my nipple before yanking back like it scorched his hand. “We don’t have time.”
Happy he is trying to harness his controlling ways, I say, “We will if you drive me to work, instead of Saka.”
My comment reveals I overheard him speaking to Saka this morning about taking over responsibility for my protective detail. I didn’t demand to be a part of their meeting because Matvei openly expressed interest in keeping Saka as my main detail, but only on the promise he wouldn’t suffocate my freedom with needless protocols.
“Lessening her security could place her at unnecessary risk.”
“Not on my watch,” Matvei replied to Saka before he slid a photograph to Saka’s side of the coffee table. I couldn’t see what was in the image—the angle was all wrong—but it reduced the grooves between Saka’s brows in an instant, softening them so much he looked closer to Matvei’s age than my father's.
I left the conversation when Saka agreed to Matvei’s terms with a brisk handshake. He achieved something for me I’ve been endeavoring to do for the past two years—breathe without restrictions. I don’t necessarily want to go it alone, but I don’t want my every move scrutinized, either.
“Hurry, Natalya,” Matvei murmurs, snapping me from my thoughts. “The drive is only ten minutes, but I want your lips circling my cock longer than that, so we’ll need to take the longest possible route.”
My eyes bulge when I notice the boutique opens in only forty minutes. It usually takes me that long to get ready. Today, it won’t even take half of that. I race into the bathroom at the speed of a bullet and keep my makeup basic yet sexy. It isn’t hard with how roused my cheeks are from imagining Matvei’s fat cock rocking in and out of my mouth.
Despite traffic being thick and the tint on Matvei’s recently purchased sports car not being as dark as the town car we traveled in yesterday, I suck him off with so much enthusiasm we arrive at the boutique with a few minutes to spare.
My hair is tussled, my skin is slicked with sweat, and my panties are drenched through, but not a single trip I’ve experienced will ever top this one. I’m buzzing all over, and it causes my hang-ups to slip so much that Matvei is awarded a ton of hope, especially when I say, “I’ll see you tonight.”
While cringing about the desperateness of my promise, I press my lips to the edge of his mouth before slipping out onto the footpath.
The coolness of the day is refreshing on my overheated skin, but the relief doesn’t last long. A second after Matvei hands guard duty to Saka parked a couple of spots up, the bane of my existence pops out from the alleyway behind the boutique.
After signaling for Saka to hold back, I say to Vasily, “Polina isn’t here.”
He scoffs before grinding his back molars together. “I know, but she isn’t why I am here.”
I stuff my key into the front door of the boutique while grumbling, “We don’t sell flea wash.”
If Vasily hears my snarky comment, he doesn’t announce it. After shadowing me into the boutique and waiting for me to turn on the lights, he asks, “How much do you know about the man you're dating?”
His knowledge is shocking, but only as long as it takes for me to remember Matvei paid him a visit at the start of our courtship. “Probably more than you know about Polina.” I toss my purse and cell phone into the bottom drawer of the counter, then slam it shut. “And if you think I need dating advice from someone like you, you’ve put too much faith in my tolerance level.” Stating the obvious, I announce, “I don’t like you, Vasily. You don’t deserve Polina, and I’m hoping like hell she will realize that during her weeklong sleepover at Yev’s.”