Pump after pump, he marks my body and my soul. He fucks me until there’s no doubt money doesn’t need to be exchanged for me to be bought.
He owns me, and I have no plans to make him believe differently.
The following morning, Matvei finds me in his massive walk-in shower. He begins stripping after lowering his eyes to the open shampoo bottle on the tiled shelf I shaved at. I freeze with my fingers weaved through my sudsy hair when he shrugs out of his business shirt before he toes off his shoes and tackles his belt.
His body is divine, with washboard abs and a deep-ridged V muscle leading to the ultimate package of lust and fantasies. His cock is as meticulously groomed as his pricy haircut and God-crafted face, but not in a gross prepubescent way. His chest has a faint sprinkling of dark hairs, and his pubic hair is cropped but still mannish.
He is insanely hot, and it takes everything I have not to circle my hand around his cock the instant he breaks the seal of steam surrounding me since I love my showers scorching. If I want any chance of surviving him, I need to keep the playing field even.
His smile when my eyes drop to take in the bob of his cock as he steps under the spray announces he’s aware of the hold he has over me. I’m besotted and doing a terrible job of hiding it.
“Let me,” Matvei offers when I snatch up the conditioner bottle, needing to occupy my hands before they explore every dip and plane on his panty-wetting body more thoroughly than I did this morning when I woke before him. I’m not usually an early riser, but an urgent need to pee left me no choice but to unravel myself from Matvei’s hold.
Instead of going back to sleep, I admired. It was a fascinating hour that strengthened my belief that I am living in a fairy tale. This can’t be real. Feelings like this don’t exist. They’re reserved for fiction, aren’t they?
This is hard to believe when Matvei conditions my hair. After ensuring all the shampoo has been rinsed, he squeezes out the excess water from the bulk of my locks before squirting a generous dollop of conditioner onto his palm and massaging it into my scalp.
My moan is involuntary, but Matvei won’t let it slide. “I’ll give you that one for free, but you’ll have to pay for the rest.”
“Sex fiend.”
He more tugs on my hair than massages it. “Only for you.”
“Good.” Thinking of him with anyone else makes me violently ill. It twists my stomach and gives me more understanding of his fear that he couldn’t get over my prior marriage. I want to be sick over made-up scenarios, but his reservations come with a name—a prominent one. My husband was a horrible man, but he had the notoriety to believe he could force a woman to marry him and get away with it.
That type of reputation isn’t built overnight, and it once again prompts me to warn Matvei I come with more baggage than an arranged marriage, but before I can, he discloses, “The man who defiled your apartment has been located and prosecuted.” The rapid stream of water he uses to dislodge the conditioner from my hair almost drowns out the grumbled comment I am confident he doesn’t want me to hear. “Was it to the extent I wanted? No. But he won’t make the same mistake twice.”
His eyes drop from my hair to my eyes when I ask, “Does that mean I can go home?”
Mistaking the disappointment in my tone as eagerness, he says, “You could.” The stranglehold his short reply placed on my throat slackens when he murmurs, “But I’d rather you stay with me.”
“For how long?”
I breathe out his name in a long groan when he answers, “Indefinitely.”
Although my heart gains an additional flutter between beats, I play it cool. “It’s too soon. We hardly know each other.”
Matvei shuts down the shower before tugging me out to dry me. Although he smirks about Sookie jumping in to soak up the sloshes of water on the glass with his thick fur and bumpy tongue, his tone still sounds snapped when he asks, “And?”
“And… and…” I’m lost for a reply, so I revert to the first one that popped into my head. “It’s too soon.”
“Says you.”
Once I’m dry he runs the towel over himself before guiding me into his bedroom. The dress laid out on the bed, and the shoes beneath it, would have you believing I’ve already moved in. It is my style, and the pumps are the perfect three-inch ratio I seek when hunting for a new set of pretties.
My insides clench when Matvei says, “If you hadn’t promised Polina to cover her shift at the boutique, I could convince you that calculating value by time is pointless, but since every one of those lessons would involve you naked, it will have to wait.”