“I’m not saying I don’t believe you. I’ve just never seen you do it before.”
I hoist my shoulders up. “I don’t often buy new things.”
“That’s true.” He shocks me when he says, “You should. You deserve it.”
“Thanks.” That was expressed as weirdly as you’d expect. It almost sounded like an insult.
Saka smiles, wrongly believing he’s off the hook, before leaving my room and only partially closing the door behind him.
Before I can close it fully and hunt for the cameras making me more of a hostage than my husband ever would have, I’m bombarded by a narcissistic man for the second time. “I don’t know whether to tan your fucking ass where you stand or in front of the hundreds of men I had out looking for you tonight.” As I spin to face Matvei, he growls out, “Do you have any idea of the thoughts that ran through my head when I entered my office to find it empty?”
“It wasn’t empty,” I deny while folding my arms over my chest. “There was a set of hands at your disposal.”
“We’ll see who’s fucking laughing when I hunt down the people who helped you evade me.” He nudges his head to my phone dumped on my bed. “How come I couldn’t track you?”
My tone is as smug as my expression when I inform him, “I turned it off and removed the battery.”
His jaw twitches as he struggles to hold back his impressed smirk. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I figured if you were too busy hunting me to finish what we started, you wouldn’t be hunting Tyler.”
I recoil as if he slapped me when he snaps out, “Do you really think your pussy is worth that much, Natalya? I could replace it in a second.”
I’m confident his anger is speaking on his behalf, but to be sure, I mutter, “As I could your cock. Except I wouldn’t need a pathetic, emotionless man attached to get me off. I’d only need this.” I pull open the drawer in my bedside table, then yank out the vibrator I used to get me off the night I danced for him. “An extra pair of batteries and a vivid imagination and I’ll be set.”
Matvei steps so close to me the scent of my skin on his mouth filters into my nose when he snarls, “And my fucking face helming the campaign. You can’t do this without me.” He tugs at the belt of my trench coat without a single protest sounding from my lips. “Couldn’t in the months leading to my arrival. Won’t in the months following it.” The heat of his breaths makes the waft of the coat’s opening noticeable. It is as chilly as the warning in his voice when he announces, “And no man in this town will be game to touch you. Not if he wants to live.”
“Then I’ll move.”
He forcefully assists me in lowering the vibrator from my midsection to my pussy. “And death will follow.” I draw in a shaky breath when he switches on the vibrator as it reaches my clit. “You are mine, Natalya, and I refuse to share you.” As he drags the now-damp tip of the vibrator between the folds of my pussy, his eyes swing my way. “But I will not be treated as a fool. Not by you. Not by them.” He nudges his head to my still partially cracked-open door. “And most certainly not by him.”
I’m lost as to whom he is referencing, but his name is placed at the top of my list when his introduction to our conversation ends our exchange as quickly as it started.
After dumping my vibrator onto the floor and taking a step back, Matvei says, “You know where to find me when you’re ready to apologize. I suggest you come prepared.”
He leaves my room via the door instead of the window, his stomps loud enough to wake the entire block, not to mention my two roommates.
“You have to be fucking kidding me!” Saka’s loud voice encourages Taylor out of her hidey-hole. “I was hired to protect you.”
“Exactly,” I reply, my tone just as high, my anger as volatile. “Protect me, not stalk me. This”—I wave my hand over the devices I located thanks to the images Matvei bombarded my phone with earlier—“is taking it too far. You violated my privacy, and as such, lost my trust.” When Saka scoffs as if I am being ridiculous, I bite back with some of the anger that hasn’t left me since last night. “You could have seen me naked.”
“You change in the bathroom. You always have.”
“Because of this!” Again, I thrust my hand at the mangled surveillance cameras. “This is the exact fucking reason my trust is so low I get changed under a goddamn towel in a bathroom too small to swing a cat in.”