A mage stepped forward, staring at Ian and me. She wore a cloak of shimmering silver threads that went perfect with her brown skin. Her red hair—thick and curly—fell past her shoulders. Her face was flawless and breathtaking.
Dear Ambi. . .
My chest grew tight with a mixture of light and anguish. My emotions became so complex that I thought my heart might utterly tear apart if I moved my gaze away from her. The allure of her presence reverberated in my core. Booming. Thundering out a drumbeat that signaled an ancient call.
NEVER before had a woman captivated me in this way.
NEVER had any creature—elf, vampire, mage, human—rooted me so profoundly to the ground like this one.
NEVER had I yearned to race to a beautiful creature, pick her up, and take her away. To only have my gaze on her. To only hear my voice in her ears. To only feel my touch on her skin that must have been so soft, so silky. . .
She is my Shana. She is worth fighting a sorcerer over. She is. . .mine.
A soft groan left Ian.
Was the same reaction happening to him? I had no idea. All I cared about was somehow getting her in my arms.
Pyranna spoke, “King Nod and Queen Valia, this is my daughter’s first time out of our territory. I thank you for welcoming Phinova.”
My mother smiled. “It is good that she came. Spring time in Capital City provides the most fantastic evenings. I have instructed my sons to give her a tour of our land and show her the many things here.”
Ian whispered, “I for one will be showing her a lot of things.”
I snapped my view to him.
He widened his eyes. “What?”
“I want her.”
Ian blinked.
My father rose and began a great speech about freedom and unity.
Ian and I watched each other.
To my surprise a sad smile spread across Ian’s face as he whispered, “Are you. . .sure, Nai?”
“I am.”
“But. . .she is giving me a reaction.”
I rolled my eyes. “All females do that to you.”
“This reaction is different from the others.”
“I plan to pursue her.”
Ian blinked. “Me too.”
“Brother, I will not fight with you about her, but. . .”
“There is no need to fight.” Ian turned his view to Phinova, and I did too.
Meanwhile, my father droned on with a speech that I had heard many times before.
Ian leaned my way. “We shared our mother’s womb. We shared a crib, a nanny. We have shared clothes, books, toys, and even more. Why can we not share her?”
Because. . . now. . .I understand what Lord Erebos felt when he spotted Shana.
To my surprise, she kept her gaze on us and I couldn’t tell if she focused on Ian or me more.
Which one does she like?
Ian placed his arm around my shoulder. “You are my brother—the only person I could ever truly love with all my heart.”
My body warmed.
A silly smile spread across my face.
“I will respect your feelings for her, brother.” Ian nodded. “Besides, wouldn’t you want me to come along and help you talk to her?”
My stomach twisted with nervousness. “Yes. I would.”
“Then, we will share her like we have lovingly shared everything else. And if. . .” Ian looked at her and licked his lips. “And if you ever feel that you cannot share her anymore, then. . .I will step aside.”
I gazed at the sweet mage, Phinova, completely entranced. My cock throbbed at the tip. I looked down at my pants in shock, happy that no erection showed.
What is she doing to me?
Then, a soft melody filled the air.
I closed my eyes, tuning out the visual distractions, and focused on the sound that called to me.
Ian whispered, “Can you hear that?”
I shivered with hunger. “Yes.”
“I think. . .it is her blood.”
It has to be.
I opened my eyes and studied her some more.
While the audience cheered and clapped for my father’s speech, she continued to watch us with a knowing look.
Do you know what you are doing to us?
I focused on the rhythm of her heartbeat. It was a steady, pulsing drum inviting me to play. “Yes. It is her singing to us.”
The flow of blood through her veins was a symphony of whispers and murmurs. As the blood surged and ebbed, it resonated with a timbre akin to the chorus of a thousand voices that beckoned me closer.
Dear Ambi, I want her.
Lusty heat spread through me.
Soon I will have her.
Ian groaned, signaling that he felt the same way.
But then the oddest thing happened.
The colors all around me began to blur and lose their intensity. Next, the shapes and forms of everyone in the Great Hall became less distinct.
Even Phinova’s face, this breathtaking creature, began to fade too.
No. I want her. Ambi, stop this!
It was as if my reality itself was being yanked away from me. Soon the once-bright hues blended into shades of gray.