Or maybe I am getting stronger with blocking him.
We flew forward and that gentle brushing against my mind shifted to probing.
In response, I tightened my mental defenses, imagining my thoughts as bricks, each one solid and unyielding. With that, I built walls around my brain and wondered if that could truly keep him out.
He has my blood. My body. Even my freedom.
I kept that walled fortress in my head and blocked everything from him—memories, fears, hopes, and secrets.
He will not possess my mind too. I should be able to have something to myself.
In fact, it would be too embarrassing if he could read my thoughts right now anyway. They all veered towards a territory I often avoided and navigated around as much as possible— my virginity. It was an uncharted landscape.
What would sex be like?
I had always considered it lewd and nasty.
Now. . .my body throbbed for him, and I wanted to explore this. Also, I had seen the size of his cock, and I wasn’t quite sure how it would go inside of me. Then, Nai had promised that what he would do to me would be different than what those monsters did when I was a kid.
Okay. . .but would it violently hurt like it did long ago? How could that ever feel good?
My mind whirred, teeming with question after question.
Did I have a part in this act and. . .how would I know what to do? Even more important, would my body react the way it was supposed to? Or had those monsters broken something within me, making my body incapable of pleasure?
Then, there was a deeper self-doubt that was harder to swallow.
Would I be enough?
Soon I would truly be exposed to him— soul and body.
It was equally terrifying and exhilarating to even think about.
Other thoughts hit my mind too. Things that I had never considered before. He had mentioned children.
Did I want them? Would I even be a good mother? And could I have kids with a vampire who didn’t care about killing his offspring?
Rushing us out of the forest, I sensed Nai shoving at my mind again.
Luckily, my mental wall remained secure.
I thought back to the moment in the forest when he had patiently stood by and taught me how to kill my monsters.
My heart warmed. Besides Reye, no one had ever helped me like that. Nai’s act of kindness made me start to see him differently, and it was getting harder and harder to hate him. That was the other reason why I was keeping my mind from him. Because in the back of my head one thought kept rising with each second.
I could fall in love with him.
And, I wasn’t ready to admit that to Nai. He was still the Quiet King, and I continued to be his prisoner.
But was he truly changing?
How much can my blood heal him? Could my blood make him a better vampire? The sort that made up for all the atrocities that he had caused to this world?
I wasn’t convinced just yet. Here Nai had come to bring war to the mages, Camille, and her two kings. And since his capture of me, he had simply been healing. But the war machines and soldiers prepared for violence.
The battle would come.
Yet, when it did. . .what part would I play in it? What if he healed so much that he no longer wanted to fight in this war? How much power did my blood really have?
I didn’t want to savor the joy of that possibility to only be disappointed later.
However, it was hard not to yearn for Nai to change completely.
Since Camille’s king broke me out of that dungeon, I had only walked a path of survival and self-preservation. I had wanted no parts of the oncoming war. Honestly, I prayed for many to die on both sides, mainly the mages and the Quiet King.
Now. . .maybe I had a chance to stop the war altogether.
Would I be crazy to think that?
Soon, I realized that we entered the military camp due to the fleeting streaks of dark green tents speeding by us. As Nai blurred us through the camp, I caught images of soldiers. They appeared like morphed silhouettes weaving in and out of existence. I figured they were heading off to bed.
We are close.
My pulse raced.
I was terrified and excited. But most of all. . .my heart hungered for the pleasure that only he could give— a pleasure that until now had been outside of my reach.
Please let this be a good thing.
I turned my head and squinted to see better. His massive tent became closer and closer.
To my shock, he blurred us right past it.
Oh. If we are not heading to his sleeping quarters, then where are we going?
My answer came to me, right as he rushed us to a stop in front of a huge black tent on the edge of his military camp. The unexpected scent of roses hit my nostrils.