Worry hit me.
Phinova may be jealous of her at first.
It had taken Phinova months to fully learn the movements of Veinweaver.
This could be bad. . .
I tensed, knowing that I would have to deal with Phinova’s jealousy and her trying to plot against Seraphine much later.
For now, I simply needed to enjoy my second queen.
I slid my gaze to my guards—the ones that had terrorized and assaulted her as a child. Then, I returned to my queen’s mind.
Which one will you practice this spell on?
Seraphine looked up.
I caught a flicker of an image in her head.
Magnus had been the one to take her tiny body first.
My claws burst from my fingers.
It took everything in me to not shift into battle form.
It hurt even more to know that I had sat in the castle high above as they hurt her.
Never again. No more children will be harmed under my reign.
Seraphine pointed to Magnus. “He will be first.”
Yes. He will.
Rage roared through me.
I mentally commanded her.
While facing him, do the movements, and then chant the words in your mind.
She turned her body in his direction and began to chant the words in her head. Those thoughts came out low and melodic. They sounded so good that lusty shivers slipped down my spine.
I stepped back, watching as Seraphine executed the movements beautifully.
Magnus appeared confused and uneasy, watching her every move. Soon he began to squirm. “W-what are you d-doing to my body? W-who are you?”
Seraphine’s eyes glowed a terrifying red. “You do not know who I am?”
“Please! I-I do not u-understand.”
Her glowing eyes watered. “How could you not?!”
I did not like seeing her emotionally tormented. If this went on. . .I would torture them myself.
Never mind him, queen. Keep doing the spell’s movements. Make him bleed in the most painful and horrific way.
Trembling with rage, she followed my orders with unwavering obedience.
The air around us crackled with energy.
I could feel the power of the spell building, growing stronger with every passing second.
Suddenly, Magnus let out an unearthly scream. “P-please! Stop! P-please!”
Some of the blindfolded musicians faltered on their notes.
Seraphine’s eyes glowed red as she continued with the movements.
More. Almost there.
And then his veins, once hidden beneath his skin, swelled into thick cords that writhed and squirmed under his pallid flesh, as though they were living entities. The sight was ghastly, giving the effect of grotesque worms burrowed beneath his skin.
Seraphine’s fingers trembled, yet she kept the movements going.
Magnus’s eyes rolled back. His body convulsed against the tree in a grotesque dance of pain.
Yes, my queen.
His mouth gaped open in silent screams, his words having abandoned him in his final moments. His gasps of agony faded into strangled wheezes, like an old wind instrument playing its last, despairing notes.
You are getting what you deserve.
The sickening stench of oncoming death permeated the air, thick and cloying. Even as it curled into my nostrils, I reveled in it, because this was also the perfumed scent of justice, a scent that surely my queen had long awaited.
Use all your strength, my queen. Do not hold back on this treacherous monster.
Seraphine stepped forward, and her gown rippled with her power.
The ground beneath us trembled.
I nodded in pure enjoyment.
Yes, Seraphine.
And then, the blood came.
It started slowly at first, a thin trickle that seeped from Magnus’s pores.
But soon, it was as though his skin had turned porous.
The two other guards—Lysander and Draken—used their toes to turn them in his direction and see what was going on.
Magnus’s body wept blood, his life’s essence pouring out of him in rivulets of crimson. It pooled around the roots of the tree, turning the verdant moss on the ground into a sopping red sponge.
Ah! Very, very, good.
My cock grew rock hard.
The scent of copper filled the air, mingling with the smell of damp earth.
Too soon, Magnus went limp, bleeding to death.
The sight was horrific, yet oddly poetic—a living artwork of a vampire undone by his own cruelty.
On the left, Lysander pissed his pants and whimpered. “P-please. No! No! What did we do?!”
“Ambi, take me!” Draken lifted his feet and let the rope choke him, diving into suicide.
I frowned.
Too bad. I would have liked to see her kill him.
Meanwhile, the musicians faltered on the song. Their blindfolds were now soaked with sweat.
I slipped into all of their minds and ordered, Stop playing and leave.
They hesitated briefly and then fled away through the forest, every now and then bumping into a tree or stumbling over branches.
A few musicians left their instruments.
Panting, she dropped her hands and swayed. The spell must have taken a lot out of her.
I blurred to Seraphine and captured her waist.
Are you okay, my queen?
“Y-yes.” Tears spilled from her glowing red eyes. “I am.”
A crushing unbearable sadness gripped my heart.
I could not recall the last time I had experienced such anguish. Years? Decades? A century?