The third one carried and returned me to the dungeon crowded with other blood mages who never talked to me. In fact, we all remained quiet for days, all in shock and depressed about our imprisonment.

Regardless, I lay on the stone floor, bloodied, naked, and shivering. There, I whispered to anyone who would hear, “Kill me. Please. Kill me. Please. Please.”

Out of nowhere, Reye covered me with a blanket, picked me up, and rocked me the rest of the night.

The solid comfort of Reye’s arms was what I needed.

That was the first time I met her. Days later, I still asked her to kill me, and she refused. Instead, she promised to teach me how to defend myself.

Now I could finally use those techniques.

And the Quiet King will be bringing them to me?

For years, I dreamt about taking my revenge out on them—tearing their bodies apart and draining their blood just like they had drained mine.

Sometimes it was the only thing that could help me go to sleep at night.

My bottom lip quivered.

Lysander. Magnus. Draken.

If the Quiet King brought them to me, then was he still my enemy?

Could I still consider him a monster?

These three vampires’ faces had been carved in my mind for so many years, they had become a part of me. Any nightmare that terrorized my soul, surely they starred in it.

And because of the Quiet King, I could finally heal those wounds.

Why would he gift me in such a way?

Never had anyone cared this much for me.

Will I have to begin to see him differently?

I gazed around at the golden cage packed with all his presents of jewelry, candies, and even the book of spells.

Why is he doing all of this for me?

He possesses so much power that there is no need to give me gifts, he could simply take whatever he wanted.

I wiped the tears from my face.

If he truly did this—brought those despicable villainous vampires to me—I would have to consider the fact that other parts of him could be healing too.

He could see.

He could hear.

His skin went from pale decaying white to healthy tanned and glowing.

But what about his soul?

Had my blood triggered a more divine transformation within him?

Did the Quiet King think that by performing this act of goodwill towards me, he could gain some form of redemption?

It was all too much for me to understand.

Outside, screams sounded, loud and intense.

I turned in that direction and shivered.

What’s going on?

I tried to get in touch with him in my mind.

Quiet King? Quiet King?

I swallowed.

Where are you?

No response came.

It was agonizing to wait with no knowledge of what was happening. Every once in a while, I could hear more screams from further away.

Quiet King, where are you?

I used my powers to sense what could be going on outside. Many of the soldiers were up during the day, the blood in their bodies trembling out of fear. It was all I could determine. Nothing else.

Quiet King?

His voice slipped into my head. I told you that you are to call me Nai.

My heart pounded in my chest.

Where are you?

Patience, little blood mage.

Noise sounded outside of the tent’s entrance.

I widened my eyes.

Are you coming?

Then, the unexpected happened. I thought the Quiet King would be stomping through on those crazy hooves, with those ballooned muscles on his body and black horns on his head.

Instead, five very petite women strolled into the tent, dressed in blood-red robes. They walked together as if one body, their movements seemed to be linked.

These odd white hats topped their heads. Thin veils were attached to their hats’ brims and draped in front, hiding and concealing their faces.

I raised my hands in front of me and tried to reach out to their blood, needing to assess if they were human or vampire.


I could not sense or capture anything. There was nothing in their bodies. Only a void of space and stillness beneath their skin. I had never experienced anything like that before in my life.

Are they dead? What is this?

They continued forward to my cage.

I flickered my fingers and tried to capture their hearts.



I could not find anything beating in their chests.

How are they walking if they have no hearts?

Blinking, I stepped back.

Nai?! Nai?!

His voice slipped along my mind. Yes, Seraphine.

There are women in here. They are walking up to the cage.

Yes, Seraphine. I sent them.


Because I want you in a new gown.

The women stopped in front of the cage door. One of them pulled out a key and stuck it into the lock.

Fear crept into my veins.

New gown? What in Ambi’s name are you talking about? They don’t have blood or hearts!!

I edged back as the woman unlocked the door.

Next, it swung open.

They have blood, Seraphine. I caught a hint of amusement in his voice. Just not the sort of blood that you can capture.