I stepped to the side.

Thank Ambi, he did not come over.

What is your name? His fangs peeked out from the top of his lip, yet he remained where he was. I could go in your mind and find out your name. Or you can simply tell me.

I swallowed. “My name is Seraphine.”

Beautiful. His gaze flickered with amusement. My name is Nai. No one calls me that anymore, but. . .

I quirked my brows.

I want you to call me that.

Tension gathered in my shoulder. “Why do you want me to call you that?”

Because you are mine.

I gradually raised my hands in front of me. “I am not yours.”

You are.

I am not.

Let us make this next exchange simple. His dark chuckle slid through my mind, inciting a cold fear to slice up my spine. Go back to the bed, little mage.

My bottom lip quivered. “Never.”

Then, we must venture into a more difficult approach?

Then, we must.

Chapter 9

The Paradox of Desire and Possession

The Quiet King


I could finally see her clearly. One would have thought that I was more excited about simply having my ability to see again. Instead, I found more victory in drinking her image in.

It was all breathtaking. This vision of dark brown skin, smooth as polished mahogany. Her head was bald and her face devoid of eyebrows.



The very incarnation of beauty.

A being of pure light that pierced through the gloom of my soul.

I caught one of her thoughts.

How will I escape him now?

Did she really think she could get away from me?

I did my best to not laugh in her head.

My foolish Seraphine would truly keep things exciting.

Already, her presence shot current into my veins, igniting my senses. Being so near to her, my skin prickled with need. My heartbeats, normally so still, so muted, began to throb within my chest.

She was so near, so achingly close, that I could almost taste her, the salt of her skin, the sweetness of her blood.

I licked my lips.

This is quite a paradox indeed.

I knew I could lift her up with my magic, fly her over to the bed, and force myself on her. It would be as simple as a flick of my fingers.

Already I imagined the moment in my head, my holding her down with one hand and tearing off her shirt and pants with the other, my shoving my cock deep into her as she screamed over and over, begging and crying for me to stop, and I would not stop. I could never stop. Once I had her, I would devour her whole, and love every minute.

My body heated.

I could take anything I desired from her.

But for some reason. . .I yearned for Seraphine to want to give me her body.

Very interesting. What is this. . .feeling that she has put inside of me?

Usually, I didn’t care if the woman wanted it or not.

Now, I did.

What was this new conundrum? This desire to utterly possess Seraphine, and her to want me too. Already, it was a raw, primal instinct that surged within me, threatening to break free.

Yet, there was a gentler whisper, a softer yearning for something I couldn’t comprehend. It whispered in my heart to not harm her, not make her cry or scream. In fact. . .the thought of tainting her radiance with my darkness, of seeing her light dim under my influence, brought an unfamiliar sting of pain to me.

I frowned.

She was the very definition of purity, and I was corruption personified.

I didn’t want to darken her light.

Instead, I craved for her to further brighten me.

Hmmm. This is strange indeed. How will I get her to want this?

The foolish mage had snuck out of bed as if I wouldn’t know. Due to that, I yearned to punish her for the insubordination, but. . . I couldn’t. I was smart enough to know that it would make her even more determined to try to escape.

She just healed me. I cannot hurt her.

I considered my next steps and gritted my teeth.

First, I had to attempt to be kind in some way. It would be difficult. Kindness was a muscle I had not exercised in a long time.

She trembled in front of me, clearly terrified and readying herself to escape at any opportunity.

Doubt hit me.

I may not be able to win her over. Then, what? I must create a proper alternative to keeping her near while I sleep. She did not like the chains.

I pushed my senses out to the vampires in my camp and searched around for the main blood being who usually assisted me. This one had a rugged energy that was always easy to decipher out of the others.

Once I found him, I stepped into his head. You.

His thoughts trembled back to me. Y-yes, Master.

Get all the builders and craftsmen in camp. I have an urgent assignment. One that must be done in not days, but hours.