I stared at his fangs, wanting to get closer to them. Touch the points. Kiss them or. . .

No No. Fight against this addiction.

The Quiet King’s lids flickered, yet didn’t open.

Next, he groaned again.

I tried to look away from his fangs, but I couldn’t even move my face an inch.

Close your eyes. Now! Close them.

I couldn’t.

I wanted to stop staring at those fangs.

I needed to at least close my eyes.

But I could not.

My eyes remained open, focused on those fangs, and barely blinking.

It was not right how those sharpened points had incited so much pleasure. I remembered how he drank from me.


As soon as I thought back to his biting my neck, that thunderous craving in my core swelled to a deafening roar rocking my body.

My blood vibrated in my veins.


The Quiet King’s nostrils flared as if he could notice my body’s reaction even in his sleep.

Soon. Still sleeping, he slipped his tongue along the points of those fangs. Very soon, little blood mage.

I widened my eyes in horror.

Soon what? No. I didn’t ask for anything. Stay asleep.

My heart drummed in my chest.

What were his future plans for me? To make me his constant meal? His blood whore? His living doll to play with and fuck whenever he yearned?

No one said anything about sex, Seraphine. Why did that come to your mind?

His voice slipped into my head. Soon.

Dread turned my insides as cold as ice.

He caught my thoughts in his sleep or is he just talking to me in my head by accident?

Somehow, I easily shoved him away. Just like that, his presences left my mind. Maybe because with him being asleep, it was easier for me to keep the mental blocks around my thoughts.

Snores vibrated from him.

Then, his grip on my body slackened slightly.

I quirked my brows and gently pushed at his arm. It moved two inches away.


I shifted slightly away from him.

His snoring continued.

Could I. . .get out of his grip?

Shivering, I moved his arm another inch, and then another, and another.

I waited for a few minutes, watching the monster and making sure his breathing didn’t change.

Then, I got bolder, gently lifted his arm off me and carefully placed it on the other side of him. As soon as his arm smoothed against the bed, a loud groan left him and he fully rolled onto his back.

Yes. I am out of his hold.

Adrenaline pumped through me.

My heart hammered in my ears.

Too scared to wake him, I scooted back off him little by little. Every few minutes, I went still, studied his breathing, and noted his snores. Then, when I deemed it a good time, I slipped a tiny bit away from him.

Patience, Seraphine. Just don’t wake him.

I took my time, inch by inch, minute by minute. An hour must have passed by the time I got to the edge of the bed.

Alright. Can this really work?

Very very slowly, I put my back to the Quiet King and sat up.

I can escape. I can do it. Just do not wake him.

Gradually, I placed one foot on the rug floor, paused, and listened for the Quiet King’s rhythmic snoring.

It kept the same steady beat, loudly vibrating from his chest.

Next, I slowly swung my other foot over the edge of the bed.

Please. . .

I swallowed and glanced over my shoulder.

The Quiet King remained on his back and deep in sleep.

Yes. Yes. Ambi, Ressi, I am sorry. You do love me. Please protect me.

I held my breath, rose off the bed to a standing position, and readied my hands. While earlier I couldn’t stop the Quiet King with my power, I believed I could end some of his men. I clearly was more powerful, due to his biting me. I just wasn’t sure how much more.

Alright. I have no plan, but at least I am out of his arms and off the bed.

I reached out my power and easily touched the guards’ hearts faster than ever before.

I stifled a gasp.


The three’s organs remained in my grasp and pulsed against my magic.

I glanced over my shoulder.

The Quiet King slept.

I moved my view to the tent’s opening and took a step forward.

Kill these three guards. Then, stick to any shadows I find and. . .run. . .

I didn’t know where I would go. I could rush out into the unknown and hope there were no more of his men around. Or I could race back to mage territory. It didn’t matter, I just had to get away from him.

Granted, the other mages were my life long enemies. But now the Quiet King had personally put me in his grasp, feasting on my blood and. . .causing an ache within my body. He had to die. If it meant my uniting with my enemies against him, then so be it. Anything would be better than living the rest of my life as the Quiet King’s blood whore.