Look at that. How long has it been?
My eyes watered, but I could not cry in front of my men.
I continued to extend my hands toward the blood mage. They were these pale white objects extending to the brown.
Suddenly, the brown shape tried to scoot back.
No, blood mage. You cannot escape.
I shifted to my power and called to the blood in her veins. Although I could not see the image of the liquid, I could still feel it.
There. I’ve got it.
A man spoke behind me, “What is he doing?”
“Again, I do not know. Perhaps, he is still hungry.”
“If she made him go to sleep for a long time when he bit her, then we should remove her from his bed. He cannot bite her again.”
“Go ahead then. You take away the Quiet King’s meal.” Humor laced this man’s voice. “I will tell your wife and kids that you loved them, and check on them from time to time, since you will be dead.”
Someone else spoke further away in the room. “Enough. This is quite upsetting. We are at war. We do not need the Quiet King to become even more crazy.”
They think I am insane? Well. . .I guess.
“It was the dead body,” Another said. “Since the Horned King took his first queen’s corpse, the Quiet King has not been the same.”
I left their voices alone and focused on the blood mage, drawing her closer to me. Slowly, her body slid my way.
“No,” she cried. “No. Don’t bite me again.”
I paused.
Even laced in horror, her voice was velvet to my ears.
So beautiful.
Someone spoke on the side, “I really think we should stop him. He is clearly about to bite her again.”
“The bigger question is could we stop him?”
“He may be harming himself.”
“Personally, I think now is the time to discuss our plan to get rid of him.”
“It is too soon, and clear your mind. I do not want to lose you, Jareth.”
I made a note of that name and returned to calling the blood mage over to me. Her blurry brown image rippled as she must have tried to fight against my control.
No. Come to me.
Soon, that brown distorted shape rushed my way.
There you go.
Next, her warmth smoothed against my skin.
Her scent drowned my senses, making me dizzy.
You did something to me, blood mage. I do not know what, but I want more.
She screamed as I wrapped my arms around her body, sank my fangs into her neck, and drank.
So good.
She screamed again.
So perfect.
Her blood gushed over my tongue and down my throat, warm and delicious.
It was an elixir. I had never tasted anything like it before—the perfect blend of strength, power, and even lust.
But why her blood? And how did it heal me?
I pushed my hormones into her, squelching her screams with my red mist, and shifting her cries of fear into moans of pleasure.
Yes. Blood mage. Enjoy this as much as I enjoy it.
Little by little, I inserted my hormones and power into her veins, making her mine, binding her to me forever.
The blood bond is complete.
She must have been dizzy from my bite, because in the next second she wrapped her leg around my hips and I could feel the heat of her sex rubbing against me.
Hmmm. Has a vampire ever bit her before? Probably not.
One of the men spoke, “Should we leave?”
“I do not know.”
“Gael, do you know anything?”
“I believe I do not.”
I pulled my fangs out and lapped at her neck.
Moaning, she writhed under me.
As I swallowed down her blood, the mage’s image began to become clear.
Ahh. It is truly your blood that is giving me the ability to see.
I had guessed as much, but this moment served as evidence of her powerful blood.
I can see you better than before.
Her big brown eyes came into my sight first.
I knew you would be beautiful.
I caught the vision of her mouth too. Those soft full lips were parted in shock. I breathed her in, relishing in the lovely scent of her.
How are you able to heal me? Are you a special blood mage—something different from the usual ones?
I thought back to what I had realized when I had first smelled her. This one had already been in my castle’s dungeon long ago. I had drained her blood and drunk that same liquid from Phinova’s body. But, I had not been healed.
Then, why did it heal me this time?
Of course the most logical answer came to my mind, but I did not want to think it just yet. To do so would mean that Phinova had been wrong for many decades.
No. There must be another reason.
I racked my brain and couldn’t find one. Now with the healing blood swirling in my head, I could somehow see things. . .clearer.
Dear Ambi!
Any smart vampire would surmise that Phinova’s body could have been the one thing to darken the blood mage’s healing powers.