And now. . .
I could not bite them.
Seraphine’s blood has done more than heal my body. . .it is changing me.
In the background, the deep growl of thunder rumbled. The sound echoed through the tent.
One of the girls shrieked. It was a haunting symphony that sent shivers coursing down my spine.
The storm is here.
Heavier raindrops fell with rhythmic thunks on the tent’s roof. Every now and then, that pattern was disrupted by the rush of water cascading down the sides of the tent, a sudden whoosh of noise that added another layer to the soundscape.
Many days before, I saw you two as perfect pawns. Now. . .I am not so sure my second queen will agree.
Sighing, I approached the cage.
They drew back and clutched each other tighter, their small hands entwined. I could sense their fear, their innocence tainted by the harsh reality of their situation.
It reminded me of Ian and me during our youth. Always together. Always keeping each other safe.
This was the third time seeing these girls. The first time, I captured them from Zumaya. The second, I made sure my soldiers put them into this tent.
Now, I saw them after being healed, and my reaction was very different.
Somehow, this sight of them stirred a deep sense of sorrow within me. These were children, caught in the crossfire of a war they did not understand, their powers both a gift and a curse. But despite the fear that clouded their eyes, there was a spark of resilience, a stubborn strength that resonated with my own.
It made me wonder if their mother was the same way. Surely, I would discover if she were, once I talked to her, Ian, and the Horned King.
Will she immediately give Phinova to me, just to have her daughters back? We will see.
In two days, I would offer to trade these blood mage sisters to win back my queen, Phinova, held captive by the Horned King.
It was just odd that now the thought of using the girls in such a way sat uneasily with me.
Days before, it had not been a problem at all.
I frowned.
Dire circumstances demand desperate measures.
Phinova, my first queen, was more than just my partner. Her absence left a gaping hole in my life. Also, her captivity at the hands of the Horned King was a cruel twist of fate, an act meant to weaken and demoralize me.
But I was not one to be swayed by such tactics.
The blood mage sisters, for all their youth and innocence, held immense power. They were valuable —a fact the Horned King would recognize immediately. I smelled that he was a ripening king, which meant that he would do anything and everything to make his blood queen happy.
That would mean keeping her daughters safe.
Yes. This will ensure Phinova’s safe return.
I nodded at them.
They shivered against each other.
You two are my special pawns.
In the complex game of chess, each piece played a vital role, but it was always easy to underestimate the humble pawns. Those smallest pieces tended to be the biggest sacrifices. But, when used wisely, it could turn the tide of the entire game.
Hopefully, your mother and the Horned King know that I am not the sort of king to be played with.
The line of my jaw twitched as I contemplated using them as bargaining chips in this deadly game with the Horned King.
I leaned forward to get a better look at them.
The echoes of the girls’ soft whimpers permeated the tent’s interior, growing louder in my mind.
I could see the future unfold if this plan were to fail. The chaos, the terror, the raging war—the cost would be high, perhaps even higher than I wanted to pay.
But if I succeeded, if I could secure Phinova’s freedom with this gamble, would that not justify the means?
I do not want to kill you in front of everyone, little ones.
I leaned my head to the side, wondering how much of a mess they would make once I crushed their essence with my magic.
It would be really disgusting.
Frowning, I imagined blood dripping down their little faces and their tiny intestines popping out as their small frames exploded.
While I did not want to kill them. . .I would do it. . . just as easily as snapping my fingers together. And I would do so without blinking. Additionally, not one tear would spill from my eyes.
For Phinova’s return. . .I would kill a hundred kids and more.
I gave the girls a sad smile.
Pray to Ambi, little ones, that your mother can convince her king to make the right decision.
My mind returned to Seraphine.
I had still not answered that important question in my mind.
What will she think of my pawns? Would she condone my actions and see the necessity behind them?
The stakes were higher than ever, and yet Seraphine’s plea for compassion and goodness had never seemed more vital.