“We do not know that.” Vesna cleared his throat. “Also, Lacrima Solis has no scent.”

“I do not know,” Jareth said. “Let me think about this for a few minutes.”

“Think about it, yet shield your mind.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, considering all I knew about the poison Lacrima Solis. It meant the Tears of the Sun, and had roots in ancient legends that dated back to the dawn of the vampire age. Upon drinking this potent mixture, the liquid would burn holes into a vampire’s throat.

Jareth spoke. “Alright. Perhaps, we see if the poison works. He has survived all of the other poisons we have given him. We might as well try this one.”

They have poisoned me several times before?

Excitement coated Vesna’s voice. “I have already chosen a rare and coveted vintage of blood wine. Sanguis Deorum. The blood wine is dark and rich. Therefore, it would conceal the poison’s faint golden hue.”

Gael added, “Also, I have already instructed the sommelier to serve it tonight.”

A new voice sounded—one I didn’t recognize. “We took an oath to serve the king and this is how we will stay true to the oath?”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Faris, you were outvoted.” Gael growled. “Over and over again you have talked about hope with the Quiet King, but there is none. As the decades continue, he gets darker and darker. Violence, bloodshed, murder, and war. This is all he knows.”

Rage boiled in my blood. The betrayal stung deeply, especially since it was at the hands of my own generals. I had put my trust in them, and this is how they repaid me—by plotting my demise.

Faris raised his voice, “I cannot be a part of this.”

Someone slammed his fist against the table. “Enough, Faris.”

“Do you not understand that this will cause chaos among thousands upon thousands of soldiers who see the Quiet King as a god?”

I smirked.

Faris continued, “And if the Quiet King is killed, then who will lead us after the deed is done?”

There was silence for a few moments, the whispering wind carrying the undercurrents of unspoken understanding, before Jareth spoke again, “We will rule together. Several heads. No crown. No more kings. It will be a Council.”

The shock that coursed through me was swift and jolting. Their conspiracy, their deceit, their ambition—all seemed to dance mockingly in the shadows around me.

Unlike them, I was born to rule, to command. They were simply regular vampires—worker bees with no real power.

I deepened my sneer.

Thank you, Seraphine. It appears that you have not only healed me, but saved my life.

Within the tent, Jareth huffed. “Faris, there will be no turning back for you. You are a part of this, and if you choose to step aside, then. . .”

“What?” Faris asked.

“We may force you to drink the wine also.”

“You threaten me?”

“Faris, you are either with us, or you die like the Quiet King.”

Silent seconds passed.

Then, Faris replied, “Then, let me write a letter to my family and I will drink the wine when the two moons rise.”

Very interesting.

Someone groaned in exasperation. “Faris, your military strategy is as good as the Quiet King’s, we will need you if we end up going to war with the mages.”

“I will not conspire with you all to kill a king that I have given my oath too.”

Gael cleared his throat. “What do we do?”

Jareth responded, “Let me consider this.”

Some talked low among themselves.

It is time to end this.

A chilling resolve stiffened my spine as I straightened my black cloak. I lifted the heavy canvas flap of the tent and stepped into the dimly lit enclosure.

The murmur of voices ceased, replaced by an air of tension so thick I could taste it. All hushed whispers died down.

Then, Jareth, Gael, and Vesna jumped to their feet. Instantly, their faces went pale with shock. Faris, the one who had spoken out against the plan, looked relieved to see me. Meanwhile, ten other generals stood in the back, watching and quiet.

Let’s see what happens next.

Jareth kept his voice low, believing that I could not hear him. “Remember. Do not overreact. Simply, keep your minds shielded and think loyal thoughts.”

I took further steps into the room and swept my gaze over my generals, seeing them for the first time ever. Jareth had a hooked nose and long hair streaked with silver. I always thought he was a large man, due to the brightness of his blood. But, he appeared slimmer and shorter than I had guessed.

I turned to Gael who had a hardened face lined with age and a double chin.

Finally, I turned to Vesna. Tall, muscular, and draped in rich fabric, he appeared to be the one that would most yearn to be king. However. . .while ambition blazed in his eyes, some doubt began to flicker around his pupils too.

Silent, I could feel their gazes on me, taking in my posture, my aura, the newfound vigor in my stride.