And then, there she was. Gwindor, the Gentle Storm. She walked through, still dressed in her signature blood-red robe that seemed to absorb the dim light within the tent. The thin white veil covered her face.

I grabbed my leather cloak.

My queen is asleep, Gwindor. I need you to surround the tent and watch her.

Yes, master.

As Gwindor moved further into the center of the tent, a shift in the atmosphere occurred. Magic crackled in the air with unseen energy, causing a peculiar sensation to tickle the nape of my neck.

It was then that I noticed the soft hum, like the far-off song of a thousand tiny silver bells.

The energy around her swirled, and suddenly her one form began to shimmer and ripple, as though viewing her through a pool of water.

Aww. I will now get to truly see it again.

With deliberate grace, she began to separate, and it was a process so gradual and so ethereal that it felt like witnessing the birth of stars in the cosmos.

I widened my eyes.

This is what I remembered.

Her form was multiplying, fracturing into multiples right before my eyes. Yet, each new form was as solid and complete as the original.

Beyond entertained, I raised the hood over my head.

There, in the center of the tent, stood twenty Gwindors. Each dressed in identical blood-red robes, each face hidden behind a veil attached to the odd white hat.

Do not let her escape, Gwindor.

Yes, master.

They nodded their heads in perfect unison, echoing the movements of the original.

It was a breathtaking display of magic.

I should have left right there, but. . .I couldn't help but stand in awe, mesmerized by the ethereal spectacle.

I am really happy to have my sight back.

We are overjoyed you have it back too.

I began to walk their way.

Soon, I will have my first queen back too.

The elfkin separated and provided me with a path. However, when I came close, I spotted frowns on all of their faces.

I stopped and quirked my brows.

What is wrong?

They inched away from me, and then responded.

You should not bring the first queen back. Let her stay.

Rage surged through me.

I sneered at the one I believed was the original.

We have discussed this before, Gwindor. Do not disrespect the love I have for Phinova.

They bowed their heads.

Yes, master.

I headed away, ready to check on my plans for this war and more than excited to return Phinova to my side.

Chapter 20


The Quiet King

First, there was the matter of the heartbeats I had sensed in the tent earlier.

Second, I would need to check on my two pawns, hidden away on the outskirts of the camp.

Focused, I headed over to the tent that had the gathering of heartbeats, keeping my movements as silent as possible.

Let us see what is going on over here.

I reached out to all of the lifeforces within the tent. Their heartbeats were slow, methodical, echoing like a grand orchestra in my mind. Each one was a confirmation of their mystical status.

Interesting. Fourteen vampires.

A wind rushed by, cool and crisp, the kind that came before a chilling rainstorm.

What could they be up to?

I stood outside the large tent. The canvas walls were drawn tight, obscuring my sight but I could still hear the faint hum of my generals whispering.

“Then, the vote is final. We all agree that we cannot afford to let the Quiet King live.” The voice of Jareth a vampire I had trusted for decades, pierced through the wind’s lullaby. It held a cold, ruthless tone that was uncharacteristic of his usually calm thoughts in my mind. “If his fancying a corpse was not enough, now that it is gone, we must go to war? No. My friends, it is time for a new king.”

What corpse? Are they talking about Phinova? How dare they call her that?

Meanwhile, a murmur of agreement followed, bouncing off the canvas walls and grating against my ears. I sensed the anxiety, the impatience, and the ambitious hunger in the hushed voices. Each one stabbed deeper than a wooden knife, not in my chest, but in my pride.

Jareth spoke, “The Ground Mover believes his team of assassins will do the job.”

I sneered.

They contacted the mages and had a secret meeting while I was courting Seraphine?

The next voice sounded. It belonged to Gael. “I believe the poison should be our first plan, and if it does not work, then we can use the mage’s assassins.”

Each word they uttered was a drop of venom seeping into my veins, and yet, I remained, rooted in the chilling breeze. My face shifted to stone-cold. Betrayal was a bitter taste, one that I wasn’t unacquainted with, but from my most trusted allies, it stung.

Vesna jumped in, “I agree. Then, if we kill the Quiet King ourselves, we can destroy the mages next.”

Jareth let out a long sigh. “The poison is a tricky method. Due to his loss of sight and hearing, I believe his sense of smell may be better than ours.”