When I pulled away, her heartbeats grew steady.

Relief washed over me.

We should let you get some sleep.

She sighed. “Okay, Nai.”

With one last glance at the place where our magic had created something unique and beautiful, I led Seraphine back to the tent’s entrance.

She snapped her view to me. “But the sun?”

I flipped the leather hood over my head.

I will be fine. Even if the sun touches my skin for a few seconds, I can heal it later.

“I knew you were stronger than all vampires, but I didn't realize you were that strong.”

Smirking, I guided us out of the tent and kept my face hidden behind the hood.

Birds chirped. A cool breeze brushed by. Out here, the grass shined a captivating green and the sky was clear and blue.

I smiled, cherishing the view.

The sun cast long shadows across my military camp. Hundreds of tents erected amidst a starkly barren landscape, eerily silent due to all my soldiers nestled in their beds.

I pushed a thought into her head.

I am so happy to have my eyes back. Thank you again, little queen.

Seraphine kept my pace. “I have a question.”


Walking forward, she turned her view to me. “I heard the story from my friend about how a king came to kill you and your queen, but for some reason she would never tell me why he came in the first place.”

I gritted my teeth and delivered my response to her mind.

It was due to the Ebon Vein.

She quirked her brows. “How?”

I stiffened, not sure how much I wanted to say. This was new for me. Most didn't have the courage to ask questions. The only person I usually had real conversations with was Phinova.

My new queen is ever curious and will be an interesting addition to my life.

I braced myself to enter a topic that had caused a lot of heartbreak in the past, and re-entered Seraphine's mind.

While my first queen grew up with the other mages, due to her being a blood mage, they never let her learn how to use her power.

Seraphine hissed. “That is something I understand very well.”

Gravel crunched under our footsteps.

Once I made Phinova my queen and. . .other things occurred that upset her, Phinova kept herself busy with looking for some way to learn how to be powerful.

Seraphine gazed at me. “What other things occurred that upset her?”

Ian's face flashed in my mind. That old haunting memory played out in my head. I'd caught them both rushing to put their clothes on when I walked in. The scent of their passionate sex had saturated the air.

Tears streamed down his face as he begged for me to forgive him. His pants had been down. To my utter shock, Ian's now two cocks swung in front of him, telling me all I needed to know.

Phinova quickly yanked her dress up and screamed to let her explain.

But, what was there to clarify?

Phinova had not only been experimenting her powers on Ian, but. . .she truly preferred my brother over me.

And even with all of that, I still could not let her go in the end.

Seraphine cleared her throat. “You don't have to talk about this if you don't want to, Nai.”

I deepened my frown and opened my thoughts to her.

What occurred is not important. Phinova needed something to keep her busy, and we chose to have her focus on blood spells.

Seraphine and I got closer to the path leading to our sleeping quarters.

I could feel the muted pulse of my sleeping army. Many of their heartbeats echoed in my ears.

Yet. . .I caught a few heartbeats pumping faster than usual.


I turned to the right and knew a small group of vampires had gathered into a tent for some reason. It was odd that they would be holding a meeting during the day.

I will check this later.

Sighing, I took Seraphine down another row of tents and returned to the sad memories of my past.

I spent day after day in the library searching for something that could help Phinova. Then, finally, I found a history book that talked about a special grimoire. It was said to be scribed by an infamous and feared blood mage.

We made it to the tent.

I pulled the entrance's flaps open.

Seraphine walked through. “What was the blood mage's name?”

Vorath the Blood-Seer.

I followed her inside and continued to speak in her head.

And from learning of the author of the Ebon Vein as well as its name, Phinova and I began our hunt for the grimoire.

“How long did it take you to find it?” Seraphine stumbled slightly, her body yielding to the exhaustion.

I reached out and steadied her.

We discovered a vampire named King Aelarion, who ruled the vast kingdom of Eryndor from his colossal castle.

I laid Seraphine on the bed and climbed onto it too.

She whispered, “I've never heard of that kingdom.”