I held her close to me, wiped those tears, and whispered in her mind.

Why are you crying?

She gazed up at me. “I. . .I don’t know. Maybe, I thought I would feel better after I killed him.”

Perhaps, you will be happy once the last one is dead.

“One?” She snapped her view to the trees. “Oh no. One of them killed himself?”

Yes. He did not want to meet my queen’s vengeance.

Her eyes dimmed as hope flashed in them.

To my surprise, she muttered, “No one will ever hurt me like that again.”

I nodded.

You are too powerful.

She turned back to me. “I. . .am.”

Yes. And you will get more powerful with each day.

I called to the Codex.

The grimoire flew toward us.

Seraphine parted her lips.

Now for another spell.

She shivered against me. “What is this one?”

Sanguine Chains.

“T-that sounds more intense then this last spell.”

I grinned.

It is.

There, under the two moons’ light, I taught Seraphine the art of blood manipulation. With pure joy, I showed my queen how to extract blood from the chest of a vampire, thicken that red liquid into chains, and constrict those blood chains around his neck until his screams fell silent in the symphony of the night.

Seraphine followed my instructions with keen intelligence and a thirst for knowledge.

Each word I spoke, each gesture I demonstrated, she soaked up like a parched earth soaking up the first rains of spring.

And dear Ambi, her power flourished under my guidance, from a wild storm into a hurricane harnessed and directed, revealing its formidable power.

With each spell she cast, she was not only mastering the ancient art inscribed within the Crimson Codex but was also learning to orchestrate the symphony of her own power.

My body hummed with lust as I witness her metamorphosis. It was entrancing like a slow blooming flower unfurling in the moons’ light.

Potent and fragrant.

In no time, Seraphine flawlessly executed the Sanguine Chains spell on Lysander.

My heart swelled with pride when the chains of his blood danced in the air.

My queen is strong. No one will ever take her from me.

Once he died on the chains of his own blood, she turned to me, and for the first time that night. . .she smiled. “Thank you, Nai.”

Speechless, I shivered.

Then, my heart boomed in my chest.

Seraphine was so unlike Phinova, and. . .I didn’t know if that was good or bad. Because. . .with each beat of my heart, I could sense that she was further weaving an enchantment around my very soul. In fact, I knew without a doubt that she was binding me to her—stronger and tighter—than the blood bond ever could.

And it was not with chains of blood but with threads of her affection. Something I did not know much about.

Could it be that love is more powerful than blood magic?

I studied her, aching with desire.

Hungry to have my fangs inside of her flesh.

Did she understand how much I yearned for her?

She bit her lip. “Should we. . .”

I leaned my head to the side.

Yes, my queen.

She swallowed. “Should we head back to the tent and go to sleep before the sun rises in the sky?”

A wicked smile spread across my face.

I have other plans, little queen.

Chapter 15

A Song of Blood and Desire

The Quiet King

My queen stood there with this new empowered confidence in her stance, a strength that had been absent before.

Still, beneath the layer of newfound power, I could sense her fearful uncertainty. She was on the brink, teetering between acceptance and denial of the passion bridging between us.

Seraphine widened her eyes. “Why are you smiling like that?”

I licked my lips.

Because finally the moment has come, Seraphine.

She feigned ignorance. “What moment?”

I walked a slow circle around my queen, inhaling the alluring scent of her and savoring its perfumed essence.

Then, I entered her mind again.

Your enemies, once fierce and imposing, are now lifeless and will soon be forgotten.

Coming to stand before Seraphine again, the sound of her racing heart pounded like a drum in my ears, beckoning and seducing me.

You know what I want, Seraphine.

I reached out my hand, touched her chin, and gently lifted her view to me.

You know what I desire.

Her breathing quickened. “My blood?”

Your everything.


I don’t just want your blood, Seraphine. I want your body.

She shivered. “You want my body?”


“How. . .do you want it?”

Full of my cock, writhing in pleasure and shuddering in ecstasy under me.

“N-nai!” She widened her eyes. “Besides those dead guards, I’ve never. . .done that before.”

What they did is not the same thing as what I will do.

I let go of her chin and closed the small distance between us, pressing my chest against her breasts.

Thank Ambi, she did not step back or edge away. The primal beast in me would not have had it. So drowning in bloodlust, I might have instantly shifted into battle form just from the tiny symbol of rejection.