“Do you think that I am an imbecile, Nai?” Tansen grimaced. “All in the kingdom know that your ripening has not been triggered, and neither has Ian’s—”
“I don’t know, sir.” Ian buttoned the top of his pants. “I surely felt some form of ripening today.”
Everyone scowled at him, even Symphony and Harmony.
Always the jokester. Can he not take anything seriously?
I cleared my throat. “Tansen, no one will know about this. Harmony and Symphony will have the best suitors. I will talk to my father so that he can appoint the highest lords personally.”
“Yes, but, there will be no need.” Symphony wiped tears from her face. “In fact, we will be marrying Ian. Surely being queens will honor our family, father.”
Tansen widened his eyes and put his gaze on Ian. “You intend to marry my daughters?”
Terror covered Ian’s face. “W-we d-did not discuss marriage—”
“We did.” Harmony bobbed her head. “You said that you were in love with the both of us.”
I stood. “Unfortunately, my brother has been sick this week. The healing potion that he was prescribed has incited this incessant form of hysteria within him that has made him—”
“Take his. . .sword out and stab my daughters with it?” Tansen gritted his teeth. “Is that what I am to believe, Nai?”
I was about to explain more, but a horn blew down the hallway.
Oh no. Now I will never get a chance to finish the book today.
The horn blew again.
We all quickly lowered to the ground, kneeled, and kept our views facing the floor.
When did the library become a zone for drama and annoyance?
A minute later, my mother strode into the room.
Is she in a good or bad mood?
I took a quick peek.
Today, her huge diamond crown lay on her head, informing me that official guests had arrived to the castle. Her elaborate gown trailed behind her. A frown covered her face.
Six of my mother’s guards flanked her.
Please, Ambi. Let her only need Ian or Tansen. I want to read some more.
I placed my view back on the floor.
Her voice cut through the air. “What is this?”
“Madam Queen.” Nervousness laced Tansen’s voice. “My daughters and I were just having a conversation with the princes about—”
“Is it over?”
“It is.”
“Good. Give my sons and me privacy.”
Blasted! Mother will need me for something. Why can’t I ever read in peace? What is it to be an heir to a huge throne if I cannot have a few hours with a good book?
Tansen hurried out of the room with his daughters.
Ian and I remained on the ground.
She let out a long breath. “You may rise.”
But, may I read!?!
We both got up from the ground.
Although hugely aggravated, I did my best to soften my expression.
Her eyes flashed with anger and impatience as she turned to Ian. “Why do I smell your scent all over Tansen’s daughters?”
Ian shrugged. “I was telling them a joke and perhaps, I sat too close. In fact, mother, do you want to hear it. What did the elfkin say to the—”
“Stay away from those wretched humans.” Mother glared.
“Well.” Ian frowned. “The elfkin did not say that.”
I sighed.
My mother flashed her fangs at him. “The humans are here to serve us, not be here for. . .whatever you choose to do to them.”
Ian bowed his head. “Yes, mother.”
“Why can’t you find a nice vampire girl? There are so many in the court with high titles just waiting to get your attention, Ian.”
“They bore me, mother.”
“But, they are of quality.”
Ian smirked. “Unfortunately, these days I am more about quantity.”
She sneered.
His face went to a neutral expression.
Then, she turned her view on me and scowled.
I shivered.
It was not that my mother was a mean woman. She simply had more days of annoyance, than ones of gratitude.
She had never wanted to be a queen or a mother, yet both had been thrown to her at a young age. And like most good vampire females, she did her duties to the best of her knowledge and with almost no complaints.
Still, her expression hardened as she stared at me. “And what are you doing?”
I beamed with joy, knowing that I would not be in trouble today. “I was studying like you ordered.”
“But, are you studying the History of Wars?”
Oh yes. I forgot that part.
I stirred. “Yes. . .mother. I was just reading about many wars in my book.”
“Were you?”
She pointed at my book. “Then, why are there roses on the cover?”
“Oh.” I gazed at it. “Are those roses?”
Ian snickered.
My mother rolled her eyes. “Yes, Nai. Those are roses.”
“Dear Ambi. Those can’t be roses. I thought they were spots of blood, metaphorically depicting the fallen enemies of our kingdom. My heart had swelled with pride at all of the kingdom’s great victories.”
She gritted her teeth. “It is roses.”
“Mother, I swear all the way down to the dark realms that I will remedy that immediately—”