Meanwhile, he appeared well-rested and just fine.
I needed a new method of escape. Perhaps being nice could get me out of this cage.
I gulped down my fear. “Okay. Go through my mind and look for her.”
The Quiet King closed his eyes, and regrettably I missed those shimmering copper pupils.
Stop it.
Next, soft invisible fingers brushed against my brain.
Tension gathered in my shoulders.
Soon, I felt his power exploring my memories. There was tingling and odd pinpricks. Then, it was like silk slipping against my thoughts.
His closed lids fluttered. Ian. . .has somehow healed. I can see him talking to you in the forest.
I pursed my lips.
His next words felt like sandpaper. You like him.
I flinched. “I don’t.”
Your blood sang to him.
“It did not. And how can you tell from just my memories that my blood sang?”
I know my brother’s facial expressions. He was straining to not bite you in the forest.
I sighed. “You are supposed to be looking for your queen, not spying on my interactions with your brother. Look for your queen or get out of my head.”
Another dark growl left him.
Oh. He does not like to be ordered around.
He replied back to me, I do not.
I twisted my hands in my lap. “Do you see your queen or not?”
I do not.
Still, those invisible hands rummaged through my mind, slipping and brushing against my thoughts.
I trembled. “What are you doing now?”
Looking for your lover.
A chuckle escaped me.
He opened his eyes.
I shook my head. “I don’t have a lover, Quiet King.”
He scowled. You are to call me Nai.
I let out a long breath. “I don’t have a lover, Nai.”
That sensation of unseen fingers tickling my brain returned.
“Seriously.” I glared. “There has been no one. Stop searching.”
No one?
“No one.” I shrugged, and pain twisted at my heart. “Unless you count. . .”
The Quiet King leaned forward. What?
I pushed the vision of his three royal guards taking my young body while I screamed and cried. “Unless you count that.”
The Quiet King’s face warped into pure disgust. Those copper eyes transformed to burning embers. Lysander.
The space around me suddenly heated.
This sweltering energy thickened the air.
Panic gripped me. “W-what are you saying?”
Then, suddenly an astonishing transformation unfolded before my eyes.
Dots appeared at his forehead, and then second by second, three dark, twisted horns emerged. Two from his forehead and one at the top.
What in Ambi’s name is happening?
A chill ran down my spine.
I jumped up from the ground and stepped back.
A growl escaped his throat.
Lysander. Magnus. Draken.
I stumbled back as the horns curled upward and pierced the air.
Growling, he rose too.
The fur blanket dropped to the floor.
His muscles began to bulge and balloon.
A scream lodged in my throat.
His body began to shift and contort. His toes broke and split apart, revealing bones, blood, and veins.
“Ah!” I staggered back.
Large hooves pushed out and made him rise.
For the first time that day, I was happy to be inside of the cage.
What in Ambi’s name is going on?!
I raised my hands, not to do any magic just cause I needed something to do.
Lysander. Magnus. Draken.
He stepped toward the cage.
I inched back. “W-why do you keep saying that?”
These long fangs pushed out of his lips.
His bulging muscles rippled with an otherworldly strength. His chest widened and the skin stretched over it.
I will bring them to you. That is my gift.
In a flash, he vanished. Once he was in front of me. Now he was not.
My heart pounded against my chest.
“A-are those the guards?” Still in shock, I panted. “I-is he freaking bringing t-those guards here?”
Chapter 12
Twilight’s Revelation
Shocked, I stood in the center of my ornate golden prison with my hands fisted at my sides.
Is he really going to do it?
The Quiet King claimed he would bring the three vampires that had triggered so much traumatic pain in my life.
He said they were a gift.
My body shook with an uncontrollable fear that took over my very being.
Tension thickened the air like this foggy mist, cloying, suffocating, and almost robbing me of my breath each time I tried to inhale.
Those three vampires had cruelly stolen my innocence, laughing the whole time. They had been huge beings hovering over my young, slim body. With their fangs exposed, two kept my legs separated and wide open, waiting for their turn.
The third. . .well. . .he did more.
My eyes watered.
This deep-seated hatred rose in my core and burned in my veins.
The pain and the nastiness of what the third one did to my body—not even developed yet—had been too much for my mind.
Unyieldingly plunging and thrusting.
Sick and demented.
I could not stop them.
My screams were never heard.
All I could do was focus on the third’s crown tattoo and think over and over and over how I would kill him.
Tears left my eyes.
After each one finished taking my body, they drained my blood for the Quiet King.
By then, I was broken, scared, and lost.