He whispered, “Follow me.”

I kept his pace and darted between trees whenever necessary. When we got to the edge of the forest, we crouched down behind a large tree.

Ian pointed to my left. “Over there.”

Oh no.

From our vantage point, I could see six soldiers patrolling the perimeter. Together, they marched in a line with wooden swords in their hands.

They were a good twenty feet away from us.

Ian leaned in close. “I see these six, but there are more soldiers further out.”

I saw nothing. “Where are they?”

“A half a mile away. It’s a small camp. They are probably in their tents or doing drills, but. . .your going past this area will be risky.”

I gritted my teeth.

“Also.” Ian inhaled and then shook his head. “I think. . .”

My nerves flared on edge. “What?”

“I think I smell my brother out there too.”

Fear sliced through my body. Even though it was chilly out here, sweat beaded along my forehead.

I cannot be caught by him again. I can’t be in chains and drained and. . .touched by those disgusting guards.

The soldiers marched closer.

I whispered, “That can’t be right. Why would the Quiet King be near here? Shouldn’t he be where the thousands of soldiers are on the other side of the territory?”

“That’s the reason why he is here. My brother would keep the less obvious position, just in case we tried to attack him.” Ian looked at me. “Seraphine, you should not go out there. You could get caught.”

“If I pass these soldiers, then I would just have to sneak around the camp of vampires.”

“That’s assuming you can.”

“I can.”

“There is my brother to think about too.”

Damn it.

We went quiet and remained behind the tree as the guards marched past us.

Once they left our vicinity, I checked the space ahead of me. “Where do you think the camp is?”

“Hmmm.” Ian inhaled again. This time his eyes began to glow red. “To the. . .right. . .yes. The right.”

“So, if I go left, I have a chance.”

His eyes returned to normal. “Perhaps, but smarter advice is that you do not go out at all because my brother is in that direction.”

“Are you sure?”

“I know his scent, and he knows mine. It is a wonder, he is not out right now coming for me.”

I widened my eyes.

“You can’t go this way, Seraphine. Come back to the village with me. We can think of a plan for tomorrow night and—”

“Wait a minute.” I scowled. “Is this a trick? Was this your plan the whole time?”

“No, I am—”

“Do you really smell your brother or are you lying to me?”

“I am telling the truth—”

“You serve your queen, not me.”

“I am here to help—”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Seraphine, you will not be able to pass my brother.”

I checked the soldiers.

They were still marching off in the opposite direction.

I looked back at him. “I think I can pass the Quiet King if I am further enough away.”

“I doubt it.”


“Because you truly smell like a blood mage. It would be impossible for him to ignore—”

“If I go further to the left—”

“There is no left or right, he will catch your scent.”

“I can go further away.”

“You can’t because your scent is. . .” Ian sighed. “Seraphine, your scent is love. It is a gentle symphony. A tender waltz of sensory delight.”

I parted my lips.

“It is fresh roses mixed with the fragrance of affection and the perfumed promise of healing and power. My brother will smell you and he will come because he is a king and it is in our nature to taste you. Do you understand?”

“I. . .I will not go back to the mages.”

“Blasted woman—”

“The Ground Mover helped burn down my village. I watched him crush my father with a large boulder and open the ground to get rid of his body like my father was nothing but trash.”

Ian opened his mouth in shock.

“To me the Ground Mover is a psychotic murderer, and his children and people are no better. They fear and hate my kind.” I looked ahead. “I would rather take my chances with the vampires—”

“My brother will—”

“I already know what your brother will do. He kept me in that dungeon for all my life. Do not think you can educate me on anything when it comes to him.”

Ian rose and remained hidden behind the tree.

I stood with him.

He watched the soldiers turn around and begin to march back our way. “I have enough regret in life, Seraphine. Your dead body is not something I want to add to that list.”

“I don’t die easily.”

He turned to me. “Do you promise?”

“I won’t die.”

He scowled. “You are a stubborn, idiotic little blood mage.”

“I am.” I gave him a sad smile. “But, will you help me?”

He ran his fingers through his hair and then shook his head. “Yes. Against all logic, I will help you.”