For a moment, I felt relieved that at least he wasn’t an enemy that had come out of the shadows.
Next, I groaned in annoyance.
He will truly do anything for his queen. Will he not give this up?
Ian winked. “You know, Seraphine. You don’t have to be alone.”
“How did you keep so quiet while following me?”
“It is the many things I can show you, if you remain.”
I glared at him. “You are wasting your time.”
“I am not going back with you.”
“I know that. I have been around long enough to recognize a stubborn woman.”
I rolled my eyes and put my view ahead.
“However, I decided to make sure you at least get past my brother’s troops.”
“How will you do that?”
“Once we get close, we will duck behind the trees and assess the situation. Then, I will come up with an excellent strategy to get you away. Honestly, it will probably involve my causing a distraction and getting the guards attention while you trot off.”
That could work.
He chuckled to himself.
I looked at him. “What?”
“Just say it.”
“Say what, Ian?”
“Tell me I am smart.”
“Instead, I will say thank you.”
“I will take that.”
I remained silent, focusing on the path ahead. Despite my reluctance to trust him, a part of me couldn’t help but feel safe around Ian.
I turned Ian’s way. “What?”
“Are we to be silent this whole trip?”
“I am looking out for vampires.”
“This is why it is good to be with a king. I usually know where vampires are.”
“You do?”
“I can sense my brother’s soldiers right now.”
“How far?”
“About a mile and a half away.”
“How many?”
“Hundreds on this side.”
I shivered.
“When I was in the village, I sensed thousands of soldiers further on the other side of the territory.”
“You can sense vampires that far out?”
“A king’s biology is honed on conquering and dominating. Most creatures have five senses. We have six. That sixth sense concentrates on finding other vampires.”
I directed my view back to the forest ahead of me, feeling both impressed and unnerved by Ian’s abilities.
Remember. Ian is not just helping me. He has his own agenda. He serves his queen.
I shook my head. “What?”
“You still do not trust me?”
“I don’t.”
“Do not worry. I am not taking offense. Most don’t trust me in the beginning. However, they soon see me as a friend in the end.”
I won’t.
“However, Seraphine, this is a good time for a joke.”
“I don’t think so—”
“Why shouldn’t you play hide and seek in a magical forest?”
I frowned.
“Because the trees always leave the game early. Do you get it? Leaf. Leave.”
I shook my head.
“Not my best one. I was working on this when I started following you. I will need time to perfect it.”
“What is your plan, Ian?” I looked at him. “Do you think a few jokes are going to get me to turn around and follow you back to the mages’ camp?”
“Oh no. You will not be returning. I have given up on that completely.”
“Then, why are you really helping me?”
His expression turned serious. “I am helping you because in the end, you make me sad.”
I quirked my brows. “What?”
“Your constant fear and always thinking you need to be ready to attack.” The line of his jaw twitched. “It breaks my heart. And I know that someone of my bloodline triggered that fear within you. It was all my brother’s doing. I take part of the blame for it.”
“You are not the Quiet King.”
“But, I did rule by his side long ago. Had I not been focused on. . .other things, the world would have been better. I regret a lot.”
I studied Ian’s face in the moons’ light and saw genuine regret and even sadness in his eyes. It made me wonder about his past.
I thought he would say more, but he went silent after that. Only our horses’ hooves could be heard within the forest.
Maybe. . .he does only want to help me.
I hadn’t met many people like that in my life. Reye had been one of them. Perhaps Ian would be another if he truly helped me escape.
And. . .if he survives this war. . .maybe I can pay him back.
In silence, we journeyed further into the forest. More trees appeared around us. The air became colder, and the magic around us grew stronger.
Yes. He’s right. Vampires are near. But can I get past them?
Chapter 5
Almost Free
We arrived at the edge of mage territory.
Ian slowed his horse down and signaled with his hand for me to do the same.
I kept my voice low. “What is it?”
“My brother’s soldiers. I think. . .six or seven are near.” Ian pointed to a large tree up ahead. “We’ll hide our horses behind that one and get a better assessment.”
Nodding, I followed his lead.
When we made it to the tree, we both dismounted our horses.
I couldn’t see anything up ahead, but for some reason I trusted Ian’s sixth sense.