Chapter 2

The Talk


The door opened.

Camille’s face greeted my eyes. That long, curly red hair fell around her face.

A twinge of jealousy touched my core at how she easily walked around with her hair out, while I was forced to cut away my red strands and even my eyebrows, just to feel some sense of safety.

A female vampire—just as brown as Camille—stood by her side. “You should stay out here, Camille. Don’t go into the room with her.”

I remained still and simply watched them.

Camille turned to the woman. “Why, Leeta?”

“It may not be safe to go inside there.”

Camille sighed. “I’m sure that if Seraphine wanted to harm me, she could do it with my standing in the room or outside of it.”

You are right about that, blood queen.

I reached out with my mind and touched both of their hearts, assessing the organs’ beats and their bloods’ vibrations as they breathed.

“I only want to talk. Have a conversation.” Camille stepped inside and put her view on the empty bowl and plate. “Did you like the food?”

I directed my gaze to the vampire that she had called Leeta.

As soon as Camille had entered my space, Leeta’s heartbeats increased.

She understands the danger.

I moved my view back on Camille.

Her gaze wandered around the room, taking in the small space, the dim light, and my stillness. “How are you feeling?”

I remained silent and just watched her.

Camille walked closer. “I. . .am not holding you against your will. . .”

I quirked my brows.

“I know that you can probably do something to get out of here. . .” Camille lowered to the ground and sat three feet in front of me. “But then. . .if you leave me. . .you have the other mages to run from too.”

Fear sliced through me. “You told them what I was?”

“I didn’t. They have no idea about you. That means your secret is safe.”

My body stilled. “Why didn’t you tell them?”

“Because you told me that the other mages could be our enemies—”

“Not could be, Camille, they are our enemies.”

“Maybe, times have changed—”

“Not enough for blood mages to not wear those gloves—”

“At least they are not being killed and murdered—”

“Because you are here.” I scowled. “Once you are dead, they will be killed also.”

“I don’t believe you. I think Ground Mover may have changed, and if not, we can change him.”

“Why would you think the Ground Mover has changed?”

“He sat in the dungeons that he brought all of you to. That means the slaver became the enslaved. Surely, that is an experience that would change—”

“Yet the blood mages wear gloves throughout the village.”

Camille sighed.

Leeta remained by the door.

So close to me, it was easier to study her blood.

This vampire is not as strong, yet she is an adult. . .but. . .her blood feels like a vampire child’s blood. Why?

Camille disrupted my thoughts. “Seraphine, join us. You can help us take over—”

“I have no interest in war.”

“But you want to survive, don’t you? And you can’t do that alone.”

“I’ve survived this long on my own. I don’t need your help. You need mine.”

“That is correct.” Camille leaned her head to the side. “What can I do to convince you?”


“But. . .surely there is something.”


“Think of anything. Land, a house, money—”

“Nothing. I hate the mages for killing everyone I loved so I would never fight next to them, and although I hate the vampires for imprisoning me and taking my blood, I am smart enough to know that I can’t beat the Quiet King.”

“We can beat him together.”

“Then, you are a fool, Camille. Two kings, you, and all these mages will still fall under the Quiet King and his thousands of experienced soldiers.”

She blinked. “I-I don’t believe that.”

Against my will, my heart ached for her. “I don’t understand why you’re so eager to fight. Why put yourself in danger when you can just run and hide like me? Isn’t it better to live another day, then to die for nothing?”

“No, it’s not. We can’t just run and hide every time things get tough. We have to fight for our freedom and for what we believe in. Otherwise, what’s the point of living?”

I shook my head. “But think about the risks. If you fight, you could lose everything.”

“If I don’t fight, then I’ll never be free. Then. . .you and I will always be at the mercy of those who seek to oppress us.”

I pursed my lips together.

She gave me a sad smile. “We have to stand up for ourselves and for what’s right. I have to make this world better not just for you and me, but for my two daughters.”

“And if you die on the battlefield?”

“At least I would have tried.”

“That’s not enough for me. The risk is too great. I would rather live another day, even if it means running and hiding.”

Camille nodded. “I respect your decision, Seraphine. But for me, the fight is worth it. I’d rather die fighting for my freedom than live in fear and oppression.”