“Leaving him?”

His voice takes on a quiet tone. “When we broke into your flat that morning, it was with explicit orders.”

The blood drains from my head, leaving me with a fuzzy feeling. Rhett was certain we weren’t going to get out alive, neither Charlie nor me. Oh, my God. Gabriel wasn’t there just for Charlie. He was going to kill us both. I put the information away in the back of my mind to deal with later. Alone.

“I don’t know why Gabriel changed his mind, but I can assure you, it’s never happened before.”

My laugh is forced. “My mother used to say I have a guardian angel. Maybe she was right.”

“If it’ll make you feel better, Gabriel fucked me up good for killing your dog.”

“That day you came out of the gym with a broken nose.”

“Yep. Look, I’ll sleep a whole lot better if you’ll let me get you that dog.”

The look he gives me is so remorseful that my compassion wins over my vengeance over Puff. Logically, I understand why he did it. It doesn’t make it right or better, but I’m not in a position to deny anyone redemption. I’m still chasing after absolution for what happened to Charlie. Wiping my hands on my apron, I consider his proposal. Another living being will only make me more vulnerable than what I already am, because that’s what caring for someone or something does.

“I don’t want a dog. I want you to train me.”

He looks at me like I lost my mind. “What?”

“Teach me self-defense. We can practice in the gym.”

“Gabriel will kill me.”

“Not if he doesn’t know. We can do it when he’s out.”

“It’s a crazy idea, Valentina.”

“Is it? Have you ever stood helpless while men took the money you busted your ass for? Have you ever been held down and violated, unable to do a goddamn thing about it?”

He averts his eyes, unable to hold mine.

“Please, Rhett. I’m not going to use it against anyone in this house. I’m not stupid. I just don’t want to feel helpless any longer.”

He swallows. “Ask me anything else. If Gabriel finds out––”

“He won’t, not unless you tell him.”

He looks at me again, a war waging in his eyes. Finally, it’s his guilt that wins out. “Fine, but not a word to anyone, not even Quincy.”

“All right.”

He straightens from the counter, but his shoulders sag. “I’ll let you know when the coast is clear.”

“Thank you.”

“Consider us even.” There’s a hint of apprehension and even fear in his expression as he walks from the room.

* * *


The report from Anton only confirms what I already know. No one knows anything about Valentina’s rape. I drop the pen on my desk and rub my tired eyes. I’m not surprised Marvin didn’t go to the police. His family was shamed. The way he would’ve dealt with the crime was to avenge his daughter’s stolen innocence by killing the man responsible. Since he died in the same year she was assaulted, I’m not sure he got around to it. Is that why Lambert abandoned his promised fiancée? Because she was spoiled goods? Find the bastard who raped her I will, but for now I have a bigger priority––Magda’s threat.

Never underestimate Magda. I know what she’s capable of better than anyone. If I don’t kill Valentina, she will do it, and as punishment for my disobedience she’ll do it in a way that will hurt me. I’m not shy about my habits. My mother knows I fuck like some people take up a hobby. She knows I’m territorial and the most possessive bastard on the face of the earth. She knows me well enough to understand that the thought of another man’s hands on Valentina will drive me to my knees, especially after what I did to Diogo. Valentina’s death is a place I can’t even go. If Magda has to finish the job for me, Valentina will most likely suffer gang rape followed by a horrendous and slow death of torture. I have to find a way to keep her, but there’s nowhere I can hide her where Magda’s network of business associates won’t find her. And then there’s Charlie. What do I do with him? Where do I keep him safe? I made a deal with Valentina and, knowing how much Charlie means to her, this is one I intend to honor. Every problem has a solution. I just have to look hard enough.

Seeing that I have precious little time, I should be searching for a way to keep my beautiful toy, not slamming my study door, and stalking the hallway like a crazed man, my steps taking me where they always do, Valentina’s room. It’s late. Magda and Carly have long since gone to bed, but I still keep a watchful eye.

Just a few minutes. I need a break to clear my mind. Chasing improbable solutions to escape Magda’s promise has sent me in circles like a dog chasing his own tail. I need to hold her, see her, taste her, breathe her, to calm the clawing fear of losing her.