My heart aches with something I can’t name when he leaves me. I lie in the dark until I can’t suffer it any longer. There’s only one thing to do. I sneak through the dark house to his room. He’s standing in the doorframe, waiting, as if he expected me. Jumping into his arms, I cling to him. I’m a stranger to myself, not understanding this woman who can’t breathe without her captor. He wraps his arms around my ass to hold me up and kisses me long and sweet. Gently, he lies me down on the bed, pulling me to his chest. Only then, safe and happy, do I fall into an exhausted sleep.

* * *

The doctor’s appointment is at four the following day. As I get ready, Gabriel calls me on the internal intercom and summons me to his room. If we don’t leave soon we’ll be late. Why does he want to see me now? Before I can knock, he opens the door. I freeze with my hand midway in the air. A disposable sheet is laid out on the daybed, and a gurney with monitors and scanners stands next to it. The same doctor from before, Samuel Engelbrecht, waits in the room. I look at Gabriel for answers, but he says nothing. He only pulls me inside and closes the door.

“Undress and lie down,” the doctor says.

I assumed I was going to see the doctor who operated on me at the clinic, and what Gabriel’s doctor demands doesn’t make sense. “You need me to undress to examine my finger?”

Gabriel takes my hand. “After what you told me, I want to make sure you’re all right. You could’ve suffered internal injuries you’re not aware of.”

A blush works its way up my neck, warming my cheeks. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want to stress you.”

I pull my hand from his. “This isn’t necessary.”

His eyes turn hard. “Get your clothes off, or I’ll take them off for you.”

I’m so humiliated I don’t know where to look. I don’t doubt for a minute Gabriel will execute his threat. Angry tears burn in my eyes as I turn my back on them and pull off my trainers, uniform, and underwear. Draping my clothes over the armrest of the chair, I lie down on the daybed.

The doctor approaches with a probe. “Bend your legs.”

I do so grudgingly, avoiding Gabriel’s eyes. The doctor pulls a condom over the probe, lubricates it with gel, and inserts it gently in my vagina. The scanner beeps to life. He says nothing as he examines me. He only gives Gabriel a nod when he pulls the probe free. My abdomen is next. I am not sure what he’s looking for, and I can’t imagine why Gabriel wants to know if the rape damaged my body. After the ultrasound, the doctor takes my blood pressure and weighs me. It’s when he brings a needle to my arm that I start protesting again.

“What’s that?”

Gabriel takes my wrist, brushing his thumb over my pulse. “It’s a vitamin boost.”

“I don’t need it.”

“I told you already, your health is my responsibility.”

There’s a note of steel in his voice. He’ll hold me down if he has to. I don’t have a choice but to accept the injection and whatever is in it.

With the injection done, the doctor lets me get dressed and makes me sit on the bed to examine my finger. His face is blank, but he stares at the wound for a long time.

“I’m going to prescribe a stronger antibiotic. I want to see you every day.”

“What’s wrong?”

“A small infection,” he says, as if talking to a child. “You’ve got to keep it still. Don’t use the hand.”

I bandaged it tightly when I wrestled with Rhett, and we were careful. I’m also cautious with the housework.

The doctor looks at Gabriel. “Any chance you can keep her still for a couple of weeks?”

The set of Gabriel’s jaw is enough to give us the answer. Magda will never let him.

“Well, then.” The doctor starts gathering his equipment. “Tomorrow same time?”

“Yes,” Gabriel says.

When he’s gone, I gather the courage to confront Gabriel. “Why?”

“Don’t make me repeat answers I already gave you.”

“Isn’t he going to take his apparatus?” I motion at the gurney with the monitors.

“It’ll stay here for a while.”

“What are you doing, Gabriel?”

He cups my cheek. “Looking after you.”

When he pulls my head to his chest, I can’t resist. I can only melt against him, letting his erratic heartbeat seduce me into thinking he actually cares about more than my body.

* * *

From the careful menu planning it’s obvious that Tuesday night’s dinner is important to Magda. She chooses a caviar mousse starter followed by salmon and spinach crumble with sweet pastries for dessert. I pay special attention to the cooking, ensuring I do nothing to jeopardize our deal. I twist my hair into a neat bun in the nape of my neck and scrub my nails, which are stained orange from the curry I often cook with. The mousse has just set when Magda rings the bell for me to serve. Balancing a tray on one hand, I push the swing door to the dining room open with my shoulder. Looking up, I freeze on the spot. The man sitting opposite Gabriel is the one from Rosebank, the one with the Ferrari. Next to him sits a pretty redhead with freckles on her nose.