“You won’t understand!”

It’s times like these that I hate Sylvia with an unfair fierceness for walking out on us. “I’ll try my best.”

“No, thanks.” She adds sarcastically, “Can I go to sleep, now?”

“Fine. I’ll have to drive over to Sebastian’s.”

“Dad!” Fresh tears build in her eyes.

I can’t stand to see her tears. Moving forward, I hold my arms open for a hug, but she takes a step back into the room and starts closing the door. Only when I stop in my tracks does she let go of the door.

“Can I speak to you, Valentina?”

Valentina shoots me a look. I motion for her to go ahead. I’m desperate. I’ll use any measures to get Carly to open up.

“Sure.” Valentina clears her throat. “Do you want to talk in your room?”

Carly takes her by the arm and drags her inside, the door shutting behind them.

Why am I surrounded by females who are set on making my life difficult? I go to my study and activate the security system. For my family’s safety, every room in the house is equipped with hidden microphones. You never know. It’s less than honorable to eavesdrop on my daughter’s conversation with Valentina, but only a father will understand how I feel. I pour a whiskey and take a seat behind my desk.

Carly’s voice comes over the speaker. “We had a fight.”

“Oh, Carly. I’m sorry, honey. Fights happen, you know.”

“Not these kinds of fights.”

“Was he mean to you?”

“Not exactly. Actually, he was quite polite. I just don’t understand. I don’t get guys.”

“What did he do to upset you?”

“He broke up with me.”

“Oh. I didn’t know you were going steady.”

“He asked me on our first date.”

“Then he breaks up a few weeks later?”

“He met someone else. He cheated on me. He lied to me.”

“That must hurt an awful lot.”

“He says I’m too girlie for him. I’m so humiliated. I hate him.”

“You shouldn’t look at it like that. Someone not liking you for who you are is nothing to be humiliated about.”

“He’s a first-class jerk. He’s dating Tammy Marais.”

“I don’t know Tammy, but I know you’re beautiful and clever. You’re also still very young. There’s lots of time for you to meet the right man.”

“How do you know I’ll meet someone? What if there’s no one out there for me?”

“There are plenty of good men out there.”

“How can I make sure they’ll like me?”

“By being yourself.”

“Did you have a lot of boyfriends? Do you have one, now?”

“I didn’t date.”

“Why not? Don’t you like men?”

“I was busy. I had my studies and a job.”

“Are you sorry now that you’re old?”

Valentina laughs softly. “I’m not that old.”

“Are you? Sorry?”

“Sometimes, but it’s no use crying over things we can’t change.”

“I want him back, Valentina. Tell me what to do.”

“You want my opinion? He doesn’t deserve to have you back.”

“If you don’t have experience with men, how do I know I can trust your advice?”

“You don’t have to trust me. Trust yourself. I’m sure you know you’re worth more than lies and deceit.”

“You’re right. I’m worth more than Tammy Mousy Hair.”

“And elegant young ladies aren’t nasty.”

Carly giggles. “You’re no fun. I can’t gossip with you.”

“See? You’re feeling better, already.”

“I guess. Thanks for…uh…putting things in perspective.”

“No worries. How about hot chocolate with marshmallows?”

“My mom won’t approve.”

“Hot chocolate without marshmallows?”

“I suppose, as long as it won’t make me gain weight.”

“You’re a skinny thing. You don’t have to worry about one hot chocolate.”

“Okay. Will you bring it to my room?”

“Only if you go say goodnight to your dad. He’s worried because he loves you.”

“I know. It’s just…I can’t talk to him about boyfriends. He’ll get upset.”

“Tell him how you feel. If he understands, he’ll be more patient.”

“Will you talk to him for me, like you did for going out with Sebastian?”

“I think you can handle him all on your own.”

“Thank you, Val.”

“You’re welcome. Go see your dad. I’ll leave your chocolate on your nightstand.”

I cut the security link and tip my hands together. Valentina was right all along. It wasn’t necessary to make a fuss about Carly going out with Sebastian. The problem took care of itself. Valentina was good with Carly tonight. I’d trust my only daughter with her any day.



After I opened up to Gabriel about my rape he became more possessive than ever, but he also lifted a weight off my shoulders. My parents’ advice was to pretend that day never took place, and until Gabriel, no one knew exactly what happened. My mom didn’t want to hear the details. She wanted to spare me the pain of reliving them. I would’ve confided in Charlie, but I didn’t have a chance. After my attack, my parents did everything in their power to please me. When I said I felt like chocolate cake, my father loaded Charlie and me in the car, and then the accident that changed our lives forever happened.