It’s depraved and immoral.

It’s dubious.

It’s perfect.



It takes a day for my doctor to deliver the placebo birth control pills. While he’s there, I make use of the opportunity to explain to him what I need for next week’s house call.

From next month, Valentina won’t be protected. I’m an asshole, but falling pregnant is her only hope. The one line Magda will never cross is killing the mother of her grandchild. I’m not naïve enough to believe Valentina will ever want a baby with me. She can never know I took the choice from her hands. It’ll be easier to accept if she thinks it was an accident.

Being pregnant will be tough on her. I have no illusions about the psyches of ‘women in waiting’. Sylvia detested every minute of being pregnant. She hated what the pregnancy did to her body. My mother never lets an opportunity go by to remind me how she suffered to give birth to me. According to Magda, the pain of bringing me into this world was worse than torture. She resented not being as agile or mobile as normal. She got varicose veins and backaches that drove her nuts. The only time that Magda sympathized with Sylvia was when she was pregnant with Carly. Yeah, it won’t be an easy road, especially not for a young woman who hasn’t completed her studies. I don’t even want to think about our age difference. I’m heading down a hell of a bumpy road, dragging a young woman along against her knowledge and will. You don’t get more depraved than that.

After my morning gym workout, I have a shower, and close myself in my study to go over the financial reports. I’m not ten minutes into my work when my phone rings. My CFO’s name pops up on the screen.

“Harry, what can I do for you?”

“I just had a call from UNISA. Miss Haynes dropped out.”

“What?” I heard him loud and clear, but it makes no sense. “I’m not sure I understand.”

“Would you like to withdraw the scholarship, or are you willing to consider another student?”

“I’ll get back to you.” I end the call and get Aletta Cavendish on the line. “I just found out Valentina quit her studies.”

“Oh, dear. I thought she told you.”

Of course she hasn’t. She doesn’t know I know about her studies. “Did she say why?”

“Only that her priorities have changed.”

“Is it too late to have her cancellation reversed?”

“I can hold onto it for a while, but not long. Her assignments are overdue, and the exams are coming up in less than two weeks. It doesn’t help that she already failed a test.”

“I know how badly she wants this degree. Give me a chance to speak to her.”

“I hope you can sway her.”

“I will.”

“I’ll be waiting for your call then.”

I hang up and lean back in my chair. So, this is what’s been eating Valentina. Rhett told me she even refused the puppy he offered. If she can hang in there for a few weeks longer, everything will change.

* * *

For the rest of the day, I chase leads to Valentina’s rape, but doors close in my face as far as I go. It’s a futile effort that leaves me agitated and exhausted. By the time I get home in the late afternoon, I’m worked up into a state that leaves Quincy with a bleeding lip after our wrestling exercise in the gym. A thunderstorm is brewing on the horizon when I have my shower, casting the sky in an ominous, purple light with a touch of gold where the sun penetrates the dark masses. Coming downstairs for dinner, Magda announces we have a surprise guest. Sylvia is seated next to Carly, her blonde hair braided in a French plait and a virginal white dress clinging to her body like a glove. She lost weight.

“Gabriel.” She acknowledges me with a tight nod and a cold smile.

I kiss my ex-wife’s cheek. “You look beautiful, as always.”

She touches her diamond necklace, a gift from me for our first wedding anniversary. “Thank you.”

I take my seat and start pouring the wine. I’m going to need a few glasses. “To what do we owe the visit?”

“Nothing. I don’t need a reason to visit my daughter, do I?”

Across the table our gazes lock in a non-verbal battle. Mine is torn away from hers when Valentina enters with the starters. My maid’s demeanor is one of professionalism as she serves us, but I don’t miss the way Sylvia glares at her.

“I’m going over to Sebastian after dinner,” Carly says, bringing my attention back to her.

I nod as Valentina hovers beside me with the asparagus. “I don’t remember you asking.”

“I already said yes.” Sylvia drapes the napkin over her lap, challenging me to defy her.

The reason for Sylvia’s visit suddenly becomes clear.