“No,” I force through dry lips.

The doctor offers me an impersonal smile. “Take off your clothes and lie down on the couch, my dear.”

I can’t move. I’m stuck to the carpet.

“How long do you need?” Gabriel asks.

“Twenty minutes.”

“I’ll be back for her.”

On his way to the door, he stops in front of me. “If he hurts you, I’ll kill him.”

Dr. Engelbrecht chuckles over his open doctor’s case. “It’s not nice to make jokes like that.”

“It’s no joke.”

Gabriel says it with a smile, but his words send a shiver down my spine. He walks from the room, shutting me inside with the doctor.

“Come now,” the doctor says, “I don’t have all day.”

It’s embarrassing to undress in front of a stranger who knows my employer is going to fuck me. My whole body blushes as I kick off my trainers, push down my shorts, and peel off my top.

He must see many patients at home, because he’s well prepared. A disposable sheet is already spread out on the couch. I keep my eyes fixed on the ceiling as I lay down, trying to go someplace dark in my head.

He fits on a pair of surgical gloves. “Bend your knees.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry, my dear, it’s just a pap smear. You’re supposed to do it every year. First time?”

I nod. It’s not like I have money for doctors’ visits.

He chats through the examination to put me at ease, but I’m tense, and when he takes the sample it hurts. He lets me get dressed before he takes my blood. He’s just about done when Gabriel steps back into the room.

He walks to the couch where I’m sitting with my arm on the armrest while my blood runs into a vial. “How did it go?”

It’s the doctor who answers. “Very well. I’ll have the results tomorrow.”

I guess Gabriel wants to be sure I’m clean. Can’t blame him, seeing where I come from.

“Depending on the hormone level results,” Dr. Engelbrecht continues, “I’ll drop off an oral contraceptive.” He removes the needle and gives me a cotton swab to press on the wound. After packing the samples in his bag, he removes the gloves, shakes Gabriel’s hand, and takes his leave.

I stare at Gabriel when we’re alone, heat burning under the neckline of my top. “You could’ve warned me.”

“It would’ve stressed you unnecessarily.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” I say, jumping to my feet. “I may be working for you, but it’s still my body.”

“No, beautiful.” He gives me a calculated look. “I beg to differ.”

I don’t have a reply. All I can do is rush past him, escaping the unsettling situation, and for now he lets me.

* * *

The hard physical labor is an outlet for my anger, frustration, and even a bit of my fear. As I don’t run into anyone while I’m cleaning, a false sense of calmness settles over me, but I start to stress again when I realize I can only manage the ground level in whatever time of the day is left. At least the house is immaculate. I can start with the first floor tomorrow. I won’t manage unless I work on a rotation basis, deep cleaning some rooms only every second or third day.

I don’t stop for lunch, and I never had breakfast. By the time I walk into the kitchen at sunset, I’m famished, sweaty, and tired, but everything downstairs is sparkling clean. Marie is stirring a pot on the stove. The delicious fragrance of tomato and beef stew fills my nostrils. My treacherous stomach gives a growl. My body doesn’t understand pride or honor. It’s ruled by the simple survival needs of hunger and thirst. Taking a glass from the cupboard, I fill it under the tap and drink deeply.

Marie wipes her hands on her apron. “I kept you a sandwich.” She motions at a plate under a fly net on the counter with a white envelope next to it. “Mr. Louw left your food allowance. He said you won’t leave the property before Saturday, but if you write down what you need, I’ll order it for you. We have a delivery service that comes every day.”

Of course they do.

Glancing at the wall clock, the housekeeper continues, “I’m off. The dinner is ready. Mrs. Louw is going out, tonight. Set the table for Mr. Louw and Miss Carly in the informal dining room. Make sure the kitchen is clean and the table set for breakfast before you go to bed. Mr. Louw usually sees to his own breakfast as he eats before I get on duty. I’ll be in at eight.”

A soft meow sounds from the door. I look down into a pair of yellow eyes flecked with green. A gray cat, his tail and paws tipped with white, runs inside and rubs against my leg.