He doesn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
There are a dozen reasons why this is a bad idea, but I don’t give a fuck. “Where’s the lube?”
Aphrodite gives a breathless laugh. “Right to the point. I can appreciate that.” She waves a shaking hand at her nightstand. “There.”
I climb off the bed and take the opportunity to shuck off my pants. The lube is exactly where she promised, some fancy shit in a glass bottle. Nothing but the best for my wife. I motion at them. “Turn over, Wife.”
She hesitates, but I’m not in the mood for it. We’ve established our roles tonight, and they need me here to drag them along with me. I wedge a hand under her hip and flip her over to face Adonis. She curses, but I’m already climbing onto the bed and taking up a position behind her. I thrust the lube bottle into her hand. “Adonis’s cock is looking lonely.”
“You are such an asshole.”
“And you’re stalling.” I lean close and nip her earlobe. “If you don’t want to fuck him, then I’ll do it and you can sit there and watch.”
As I suspected, that gets her moving. She squirts some lube onto her palm and reaches down to coat his length. I like the look of her hand around his thick cock. Almost as much as I like my hand around his wide length. When he shines with lube, I nip her ear again. “Now mine.”
This time, she doesn’t argue. She reaches back and strokes my cock. The lube makes her hand slippery, but the little witch doesn’t miss the opportunity to skate her nails along the underside of my length.
I hiss out a breath. “Be nice or you don’t get either cock.”
“You be nice or I might forget myself and bite off something important.”
I grin against her skin. That’s my witch of a wife. I catch her thigh and pull her leg up and out. “You know what to do.”
She doesn’t hesitate to press my cock to her entrance. With the lube and her being so fucking wet, I slide right in. Pleasure makes my brain short out, but I muscle my response back. As good as this feels, it’s about to feel better. I work into her in short strokes until I’m sheathed to the hilt.
“Fuck, that’s good.” She presses back against me, soft and sweet.
“Now Adonis.”
They both jolt, but I damn well know they both want this as much as I do. I squeeze her thigh. “It’s going to feel even fucking better to have him stretching you, too. Fucking you.”
“Yes,” she breathes.
I have to shift a bit to be able to see her take his cock as he moves into position, but I sure as shit feel it when his broad head brushes the base of my cock. They both make a frustrated sound when he slides right off us.
I know it doesn’t mean they need me. Not in any real way. That doesn’t change the fact that I feel needed right now.
I’m not prepared for the sheer wave of emotion that washes over me in response to that realization.
So I shelve it.
I’ll deal with it later.
Right now, I have two of the most beautiful, infuriating people I’ve ever met in my bed and I need to drive them out of their busy minds.
I grab my wife around the waist and tip onto my back, taking her with me. It takes a second to get situated, but I catch her other thigh and hold her legs open. “Now, Adonis. Fuck us properly.”
I don’t know how I got to this place, but I never want this fever dream to pass. Surely it’s a dream. I can’t possibly be kneeling between Theseus’s thighs, looking down to where his big cock spreads Eris’s pussy. His balls hang thick and heavy, and I can’t help reaching down and cupping them with one hand and pressing the other to her lower stomach so I can brush her clit with my thumb.
She moans and he growls. He glares up at me with those dark eyes. “You’re stalling.”
Maybe I am. I know this is only sex, but it feels like making a promise I’m not sure I’ll survive. Eris almost broke me when she left me. If I taste the possibility of both of them together, I don’t know if I’ll have a heart left to break.
We’ve gone too far to go back now. The time to protect myself was back in the kitchen. Instead, I went to my knees before them.
Fitting that I’m on my knees now, too.
I’ve never been religious, but as I press my cock against Theseus’s and start to work into Eris’s pussy, I think their bodies might be an altar I could spend a lifetime worshipping at.
Or a lifetime mourning the loss of.
As promised, the fit is tight. Almost too tight. Sweat glistens on my skin and I’m shaking, and I barely have the head of my cock inside her.