My skin prickles as we walk back down the aisle together. None of the people watching us seem overly happy with this event. That’s to be expected, but I didn’t anticipate it making me feel so fucking vulnerable. I hate it.
We step through the doors, but Aphrodite doesn’t stop there. She practically drags me through the hall, past the ballroom where part of the reception will be held, and through a nondescript door.
My eyes are still adjusting to the dimness when she spins and shoves me against the wall. It’s awkward because our bound hands mean she comes with me, landing against my chest.
“You fucking bastard,” she snarls.
Just like that, I know exactly why she’s pissed. Apparently my little invitation found its home. Good. I relax back against the wall and look up at her. “Problem, Wife?”
“You know exactly what the problem is.” She grabs for my chin, but I catch her wrist before she can make contact. She narrows her eyes. “Release me.”
“Call it an overabundance of caution.” I tighten my grip a little when she yanks on it. “Wouldn’t want you clawing up my pretty face with those nails.” Now that I have a better look at them, I’m not at all surprised to see that they’re sharp enough to serve as weapons in their own right. She’s not going to be ripping out any throats, but she could probably take an eye or two.
Aphrodite flips a switch so fast it makes my head spin, all her fury tucked away between one heartbeat and the next. She goes soft against me, her smile still cold as ice. “You’re not pretty, Hephaestus. You never know; a few scars might be an improvement. They’ve certainly served the Minotaur well.”
“Pass.” My wires are getting crossed by this interaction. She came in like an attack, but now she’s pressed against me like a lover, her breasts nearly spilling out of her dress. Our faces are even, close enough to kiss. I don’t like how fast she changed things up on me. I don’t trust it. “Back off.”
“Why, Husband? We’ll be consummating this marriage shortly. We could get started now.”
Just like that, I get it. The anger was the slip, not this weird sexual tension that flares between us like poison. I lower her arm and pin it to the small of her back, pressing us closer yet. It’s a fight to keep my body from responding to her. I’m only human, and Aphrodite might be a snake, but she’s a gorgeous one.
She’s also just confirmed exactly what I suspected…and handed me the ultimate weapon in the process.
I lean down a little to speak directly into her ear. “Did your little boyfriend pay you a visit, Wife?”
She tenses for half a beat and then relaxes. A quick recovery, but we’re pressed too tightly together for me to miss it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Liar.” Being this close is a mistake, but I like that she can’t lie effectively like this. It makes me want to press my advantage. “Did he offer to save you? To take you away from big, bad me?”
Again, a quick tensing following by a forced relaxation. Aphrodite releases a slow breath. “Adonis was a fun little fling who let his emotions get the best of him. He doesn’t matter.”
I laugh. “Cute story. I saw the way you looked at him at the house party. Seems like love.” If I have to be in this marriage—and I do—then I fully intend to make Aphrodite pay for cornering me in the first place. Political machinations may have forced me into this, but I’m determined to end up on top. No matter how formidable she is, she’s got one glaring weak spot.
And I fully intend to exploit him.
* * *
The reception stretches on for an eternity. Even though I carefully hide what I’m feeling, I can’t stop the sinking in my stomach. I played right into my new husband’s hands. A mistake, and one that will be costly. I can’t afford to underestimate Hephaestus, and reacting to Adonis unexpectedly showing up before my wedding to the enemy? I might as well have waved a red flag in front of a bull. My husband will be charging in no time. I wish I could trust Adonis to avoid that pitfall, but emotions make everything messy and I hurt him badly by making this move.
He’s not the only one.
All through the speeches and cake cutting and first dance, Hephaestus keeps that satisfied smirk in place. It makes me want to…
I manage to extract myself and part ways with my husband to grab a glass of champagne off a waiter’s tray. Now’s the time to follow him back to our seats at the center of the bridal party table, but I need a moment, so I drift over to the doorway leading back outside. The air has cooled with the sun setting, giving the first hint of the bite winter will bring.