“You son of a—”
Another nipple pinch steals my words. Hephaestus changes his angle a little and, oh fuck, this feels good. I’m melting for him, and even as I try to fight it, my body has taken over. He keeps up that light touch on my clit, fucking me right to the edge of a third orgasm.
How did I lose control so thoroughly?
I’m a shaking, whimpering thing, and all I can do is cling to him and take what he gives me. Later… Later, I’ll make him pay for this.
After he makes me come again.
His voice is rough with pleasure, lower than normal and gravelly. “Gonna be a requirement for every talk going forward. Spread those thighs and put you in an agreeable mood. If you’re very good, I’ll even give you this cock again.”
I need to push back against this. I have to. Because the picture he’s painting isn’t disagreeable. I can envision it all too clearly. Us trading barbs while he’s fingering me… While he’s going down and putting that vicious tongue to work. “Oh fuck.”
“That’s right, Wife. Come on your husband’s cock.”
I don’t want to. I desperately don’t want to give him this. But it’s too late to go back. I cry out as I come, clenching around his cock. He barely waits for my orgasm to ebb before he picks up his pace, fucking me roughly for several long minutes, and then coming with a curse that makes me shiver.
Then the motherfucker pulls out of me and slaps my ass.
I’m still trying to find words when he returns from my bathroom, drops down next to me with one heavy arm draped over my waist, and passes the fuck out. I blink in shock. The asshole is snoring.
My thoughts are too scattered after this hard pivot to fully comprehend what just happened. That was…good sex. Really good. It doesn’t mean anything, and it certainly won’t divert me from my goals, but it’s more than a little shocking. I don’t know why he’s staying, though. It doesn’t make sense. He hates me as much as I hate him, and while he might be wholly outclassed for his title, that doesn’t mean he’s a complete fool. There’s no way he’d sleep in my bed without good reason.
Surely the reason isn’t because he slept as little last night as I did?
A yawn catches me by surprise. I’m going on forty-eight hours without sleep. Not my longest stretch, not by a long shot, but the longest in years. Even when Adonis and I were on our off times, he was always there for me to crash in his bed, the familiar cadence of his breathing enough to send me under. That’s not an option anymore, and I have no one to blame but myself.
I yawn again. Hephaestus is heavy, his arm a solid weight pinning me to the mattress. I try to shift away, but he tightens his hold on me, tucking me against his larger body. I curse. “You’ve got to be joking me.” I poke his shoulder. “Hephaestus. Hephaestus, you can’t stay here.”
He doesn’t move. He doesn’t respond at all, other than letting out another quiet snore. I sigh. Some soldier he is. I could claw his eyes out or smother him right now; he might wake up to prevent me from killing him, but I could definitely maim. Surely he doesn’t think so little of me?
It’s definitely not that he trusts me.
I certainly don’t trust him.
I don’t mean to close my eyes. I have every intention of wrestling my way out of Hephaestus’s hold, showering the scent of sex off my body, and then brewing some coffee to keep the mental cobwebs at bay. He just… He smells really good. And my body is relaxed from the orgasms and the feel of him half holding me down. Like my very own cranky weighted blanket.
Dangerous thoughts.
I’m going to get up.
In just a moment…
I jolt awake. There’s something wrong in the room, and it’s not just the man sleeping at my side. The light is all strange. It was dark just a moment ago, only the lights of the city playing through the windows of my bedroom. Now it’s bright.
I slept.
I slept.
I belatedly register it’s not my husband talking to me. I look up and go still. Adonis. I wish I could say he looks great, but it would be a lie. His pants are creased and his shirt is buttoned haphazardly. He also hasn’t shaved recently, so a shadow of a beard darkens his jaw. “What are you doing here?”
“I…” He shakes his head sharply. “I was worried about you.”
Gods, it hurts to look at him. It hurts even more that both of us are very carefully not looking at my husband lying naked on the bed between us. There’s no way he’s still sleeping, but he hasn’t opened his eyes, and this moment feels too fraught to call him out on eavesdropping. I drag in a shaky breath. “I told you we shouldn’t see each other anymore.”