Zoe: I love you, babe. I think you’re amazing. If I walked in on you like that I would tear you to pieces.

I laughed out loud at that one, the well-timed joke shoving all the doubt out of my head.

Me: Same. He’s ten minutes out. Wish me luck.

Zoe: You don’t need it!

I double-checked the find-my-phone app we’d set up on each other’s phones after a year of dating, and nodded to myself before setting my phone on the end table next to the couch. He was close, and with each minute that ticked by my heart raced a little faster.

It was cold in here, raising chill bumps all over my exposed skin, and I switched my position about a dozen times. What was more flattering, one leg up and on the back of the couch, my spine pressed against the cushions and chest sticking up? Or was it me sitting up straight, legs spread so he could get a full view of the entire outfit?

There wasn’t much to it—scraps of lace and fishnet, with black triangles of fabric barely covering my nipples. If I would’ve planned ahead, I would’ve made something for myself, but I’d been spontaneous in this choice. Dennis had been out of town for work for a week, and we hadn’t made plans to see each other tonight, but I thought a sexy surprise might be just the thing to treat us both for his return home.

Dennis’s voice sounded from outside the front door, which was directly across the room in his quaint apartment. He must be on the phone, which only made my heart climb up my throat even more. If he was on a business call, then he definitely wouldn’t be happy about the shock—

The door swung open, and Dennis stumbled inside…

With another woman in his arms.

My heart plummeted to my stomach, my entire body freezing where I sat, legs spread wide on his couch.

He was kissing her feverishly, his hands roaming over her entire body. He looked passionate and invested and—


Um? That’s what came out of my mouth? Fucking hell.

They broke apart at the sound of my brilliant outburst, Dennis’s eyes flaring wide when he spotted me.

“Who the hell is she?” the woman asked, her brow furrowed as she took in my appearance.

Kill. Me. Now.

My mind finally caught up with my body, and I grabbed the throw from the back of the couch, wrapping it around my shoulders. It was small so it only covered my top half, but I’d take it.

“Luna,” Dennis said, his mouth practically gaping open. “What the hell are you doing here?”

He could’ve smacked me and I would’ve been less shocked. “That’s your response?” I asked.

“Omigod,” the woman said, and to her credit, she looked absolutely mortified. “Are you dating him?”

“Yes,” I said.

“For how long?”

“Five years,” I answered, my heart shattering at the way Dennis stood there looking between us during our exchange. From the way he ground his jaw, he was angrier about getting caught than he was worried about hurting either one of us.

“Ew,” she said, raising her hands and taking a giant step away from him. “Girl, I had no idea. I promise. I’m so sorry.”

I raised my brows at Dennis, waiting for any sort of response.

“You’re an asshole,” the woman said before stomping out of the door and slamming it behind her.

He really was.

I’d been trying, hadn’t I? I planned dates and cooked him meals at home when he didn’t want to do the dates I planned. I’d laugh at his jokes and go to his business functions. I even loaned him money when he was struggling. I tried. I really fucking tried.

“Are you really going to stand there and not say anything?” I finally snapped once the anger had replaced most of the mortification.

“Don’t.” He shook his head, jerking his tie from around his neck. “You shouldn’t even be here, Luna—”

“Are you kidding me?” I cut him off, shaking my head before hurrying into his bedroom where I’d left my bag.

He followed me inside, hovering in the doorway. “You aren’t!”

“And you weren’t supposed to be fucking someone else!” I fired back, grabbing a pair of sweats out of the bag and shoving my legs inside them.

“You don’t understand,” he said.

“Please, explain it to me!” I shook my head, dropping the throw and pulling a T-shirt over my head. “God, I’m such an idiot. Sitting here hoping you’d love this,” I mumbled to myself, gesturing at the lingerie that was now thankfully covered up by my usual clothes.

“This isn’t like you,” he said as I hoisted my bag onto my shoulder. “Is this a stunt from one of those ridiculous books you read?”

My mouth dropped as I looked up at him where he was blocking my path. “You’re unbelievable.” I sucked in a sharp breath. “How long?”