I blew out a breath, that feeling of contentment settling over me like it did whenever I landed another big investment. I’d dabbled in company purchases and sales occasionally, but large-scale real estate was my bread and butter.

I glanced out the windows in my home office, realizing it was already dark. Shit, I’d lost track of time and worked through dinner again.

My phone buzzed on the desk, and I scooped it up.

Luna: I’m excited about the trip and I’m all in. While we’re there, maybe we can talk about my clothing line too?

My heart leaped in my chest, an excited buzz rushing through me. Luna had turned down my investment offer for her clothing line no less than ten times. The woman had a talent, and I knew a win when I saw one. But I also understood her position. There was nothing wrong with wanting to stand on her own, but there was also nothing wrong with accepting help either.

Me: Absolutely. We should get a drink and celebrate.

Luna: I’m at Lucid in Charleston. Masquerade party with the Reaper fam. Want to come hang?

The visualization that sprinted through my head had me getting up from my chair in a hurry. Luna all dressed up and in a mask no less? I sure as hell wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to see her like that. It had been too long since she’d had a proper night out.

Me: I’m in. Be there soon.

Lucky for me, I’d attended more than my fair share of masquerade balls for charity galas in the past, so I had several masks to choose from. I picked one that matched the suit I already wore, and headed out.

After handing my car off to the valet outside of Lucid, I was waved in by the bouncer, and stepped into one hell of a party. Music was blaring, dancers were packed on the floor, and the bars were crowded too, but it was more invigorating than overwhelming.

I maneuvered my way through the crowd until I reached the stairs Luna texted me about, and climbed them in a hurry. I stopped two away from the top, the sight of her literally nailing me to the floor.

Even with the mask, I would recognize her by her infectious smile. I’d studied that smile for years, always counting on it to lift even the darkest of days. She wore a dark green, sleeveless dress that hugged her stunning curves, the fabric shimmering in the muted lights of the club. It fit her body like a dream, no doubt a piece she made for just such an occasion, and I was more than blown away. Luna always had that effect on me, not only with her looks, but her passion, her sense of humor, all of it. She was the complete package.

A completely off-limits package, anyway. She was my best friend in the entire world, and if I crossed that line with her and fucked it up? I wouldn’t survive losing her in any capacity, so I’d always kept these feelings in check. It had been easier when she was attached to her ex, even if I hated him. At least then I deluded myself into thinking she was happy. But now that she was single? Fuck, it was hard to tamp down the need that blazed through my veins every time I saw her.

She was looking over the balcony railing, not another soul in sight as she gazed down at our group of friends on the dance floor.

“Why aren’t you down there with them?” I asked, finally climbing the last two steps and spanning the distance between us.

“I’m having more fun watching,” she said, shifting toward me and giving me a quick hug.

I held onto her a beat longer than normal, but managed to stop myself before letting my hands linger on her back. Fuck, she smelled as good as she looked, all notes of lavender and citrus.

“Want a drink?” she motioned to the tables sitting in front of several horseshoe-shaped couches pressed against the back wall of the balcony.

I grabbed one of the soda waters and took a seat, making room for Luna to sit next to me.

“What prompted this evening?” I asked.

“Echo,” Luna answered. “She wanted to take me out for a fun night after I told her about Dennis.”

“Understandable,” I said, and did my best not to clench my jaw. I couldn’t help it, every time I thought about what that asshole did to her only made me want to fuck him up even more. I knew she didn’t need me to fight her battles, but it didn’t stop me from wanting to. “She’s a good friend.”

“They all are,” she said, motioning toward the balcony.

Even though we could no longer see our friends, I knew who she was talking about. Echo, Zoe, Anne, Lyla…all of them. We’d gotten lucky to score such a good group.