“There’s usually green and yellow seasoning in it,” he grumbled. “This time there wasn’t. I’d like another order.”

Lyla shook her head. “That’s cilantro and cumin,” she said. “And I most certainly put it in there. I made your order myself.”

“Make it again.”

“I’m charging you,” she said, throwing her hands up. “If you don’t like that you can find tacos somewhere else.”

“I don’t want anything for free,” he snapped. “I want another order.”

“Fine.” She waved him off and headed to the seclusion of the kitchen.

“Ridge,” I said, nodding toward him as I held open the door for Luna.

“Suit,” he fired back.

I rolled my eyes, following Luna out to her car.

“I’ll see you soon,” I said once she was safely behind the wheel, window rolled down so I could lean against it.

“I’ll be around,” she said.

“Text me if you need me.” I tapped her car and moved back as she started it.

“I always do,” she said, waving to me before driving off.

I stood there, staring after her, hating that she was hurting while also selfishly celebrating that I was going to get her all to myself for two whole weeks.

Would it be fake? Absolutely.

Would we have a blast? Definitely.

Was I going to lose my mind trying to keep things strictly platonic between us while simultaneously pretending to be a couple? No doubt.

But none of that meant I couldn’t show her a good time, and she needed a good time right now. And I couldn’t help it, I wanted to be the one making her feel good, in whatever way she wanted me to.



I had an hour before closing time and was doing my nightly cleaning routine in the shop when the bell rang above my entrance door. A flash of purple hair was the first thing I saw as I came around the corner.

“Echo!” I said, a smile shaping my lips. I hadn’t seen Scythe’s resident bartender and one of my boutique’s biggest advocates in a while. I leaned the broom against the wall and hurried to greet her. “How are you?”

“Fantastic,” she said, wrapping me in a quick hug. “I heard through the grapevine that you might need a night out and I have just the thing!”

Apprehension bloomed in my chest. I loved Echo, and we’d been casual friends ever since she opened Scythe—our Carolina Reapers’ favorite bar—but she was wild where I was more the type to stay in and read a book.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said, winking at me before wandering around my boutique. “It’s going to be awesome. A friend of mine who owns a club in Charleston is having this epic invite-only masquerade party. Ah!” She stopped when she reached a rack of accessories, selecting a black lacy mask with rhinestones lining the trim. I had an entire section of costume accessories and jewelry that I’d sourced from a vintage shop that closed down a few months ago.

“I don’t know if I’m up to that,” I admitted, and then tilted my head. “Wait, what grapevine told you about me and Dennis?”

“Oh no, did you two break up?”

I gave her the abridged version.

“Damn, what a dick. Anne only mentioned you needed a girls’ night,” she said. “I bumped into her at Lyla’s Place when I was getting my coffee fix.”

“Ah,” I said, taking the mask from her and heading to the register. I gave her the friends and family discount, even when she told me not to.

“Come on, Luna,” she begged after I’d put her mask in a bag. “The Reapers just beat Colorado last night and they have a night off before they hit the road tomorrow. Everyone is going to be there. There will be food and drinks and dancing.” She wiggled her hips, an infectious smile on her lips. “Sawyer already got our babysitter,” she continued. “I rarely ever take a night off. You have to come. You just have to. This will make you forget all about the jerk. Please!”

I laughed at her adorable begging, unable to ward off the electric energy she naturally possessed.

“I guess it’s not like anyone will know it’s me, right?” I asked, glancing back at the rack of masks. “It might be good for me to step into someone else’s shoes tonight.”

“Yay!” Echo clapped, bouncing up and down on her feet. “You’re the best. I can’t wait to hang with everyone tonight. You’re going to get busy in this last hour you’re open, doll,” she said. “I invited everyone but it was a last-minute thing, so they’re all going to need masks and I told them to come to you.”

“You’re the best,” I said, coming around the counter to hug her one last time before she headed toward the door.

“I’ll text you the details!” she called over her shoulder. “Feel free to invite anyone you want! Just text me the names and I’ll get them on the list!”