“Anything you want,” I answered immediately and fucking meant it. She could ask for the world, and I’d find a way to get it for her.

“You can’t be this way with all your business deals,” she said. “You’d never make any money if you folded so easily.”

“I know which deals are worth the effort and which aren’t.”

“And I’m worth it?” she asked.

I shifted toward her, turning in the seat so I could fully face her. “You’re worth everything and more.”

Luna visibly swallowed, then laughed. “Then I want dessert every night of this trip.”

It was my turn to laugh. “I tell you that you can ask for anything and you ask for dessert?”

“I’m pretty low-maintenance.” She shrugged, then arched a brow at me. “So, are you going to give me what I want?”

I studied the lines of her face, the curve of her lips, the subtle way her chest rose and fell as she breathed. Fuck, when did this playful teasing cross over the line to downright flirting? I knew it was my fault, but still. Could she not tell how much of a hold she had on me?

“Always,” I finally said, and couldn’t help but relish the little bit of shock that flared in her eyes.



“Dance with me,” Brad said, standing up from the couch and offering me his hand.

Hot. Damn.

I didn’t know if it was the subtle command in his voice or the playful banter we’d just been having, but flames licked beneath my skin as I looked up at him from where I still sat.

He looked all kinds of regal in a suit so dark green it almost seemed black. A half mask covered his eyes, the same color as his suit, the hunter shade dangerously close to the one I wore.

“Why the sudden urge to dance?” I asked.

“Because this is your favorite song,” he said matter-of-factly.

Were those butterflies in my stomach?

“How did you know?” I asked, slipping mine hand in his, grinning as he helped haul me up from my seat before guiding me down the stairs and onto the dance floor.

“I pay attention,” he said, spinning me around.

The skirt of my dress twirled before he drew me against his chest, taking the lead as he maneuvered us to the beat of the music. I laughed as I crashed against his chest, but he caught me effortlessly, swaying us to the music with that elegant, smooth way he always had about him.

It was my favorite song, one I’d had on repeat for the past few months, and I let the melody fill me as we moved on the floor.

“You look beautiful,” he said, blue eyes trailing over my mask to my lips and back again. He gently pushed me out before bringing me back in again, spinning us among the throng of other dancers. “Did I tell you that?”

“You look pretty good yourself,” I said, holding onto his shoulders as the song shifted to a slower beat. “Not bad for a fun impromptu night. Beats conference calls and checking the stock market, right?” I teased as we moved to the music.

“Nothing would be as fun as this,” he said, one hand sliding behind my back, the other to my hip before he dipped me slightly and brought me back up.

A thrill snapped down my spine at the move, my body reacting to being handled in such a way. I didn’t have to worry that he’d lead me the wrong way or drop me or be angry if I accidently stepped on his toes. It was never like that with Brad, it was just…easy.

The beat shifted in tempo, a pulsing thrum that I could feel in my bones. Brad grinned, throwing my arms around his neck as he moved us, slipping his massive thigh between my legs, rocking us back and forth in the perfect rhythm.

I laughed, unable to stop the joy swirling around me at the move, giving myself over entirely to the sensation. We were surrounded by friends, old and new alike, and who knew how many strangers, but he made it feel like we were the only two people in the room. That I was the only woman in the room, the only one he could possibly want to dance with.

But that wasn’t right. Because he was my friend, and it was no secret how well he did with women. The notion threatened to dump a bucket of ice water all over my warm flutters.

“Shouldn’t you be dancing with someone else?” I asked despite myself.

Brad furrowed his brow, never stopping for a second. “Why would you say that?”

I shrugged. “There are plenty of beautiful, available women here. I don’t want to cramp your style—”

“The only woman I’m interested in dancing with is in my arms,” he said, rocking us back and forth for emphasis.

“Are you sure?” I asked, still not wanting to deny him the opportunity to have more fun than he could have with me. “I mean, come next week you’ll be stuck with me for two whole weeks.”