The curtains were yanked closed.

Elina began shaking with laughter, sputtering into her hands. Then she sat up, pulling her gown back into place while giving him a look of regret. “I suppose I need my tooth powders before we can do much more, anyway.”

Warrick would have been happy to show her much could be done without kissing. But he would be patient.

He sat back against the pillows as the curtains opened again on Elina’s side of the bed. Dara, holding a tray heaped with fruit and toasted bread.

The curtains next to Warrick swept open. A small cup in hand, the nurse announced, “Your tonic, my— May the gods help you, girl! You’ll never survive that!”

Horror overspread the older woman’s face. She—and now Elina and Dara—stared at the sheet covering Warrick’s cock, where the silk had pulled tight enough to show the length and thickness of his erection.

Elina snorted, breaking the stunned silence. Then all the women burst into laughter, the nurse and maid doubling over to support themselves against the mattress.

“Oh! Oh, I’ve spilled the—” Holding her side, the nurse backed away. “I have to mix up a new…”

Her voice trailed off as she left the tent. Dara wiped her eyes and arranged the tray in front of Elina. “I was about to say, there is more substantial fare for the…” She faltered as she looked to Warrick, uncertain what to call him.

“My betrothed husband.”

“For your betrothed husband. Eggs and meats and such. But we were afeared the smell would turn your stomach, so I didn’t bring them in.”

“I thank you, Dara. Ask the serjeant to attend us shortly; he can convey that to my warrior then. See that enough breakfast is saved each day. By the look of him, he’ll eat a hefty amount.”

“Indeed, Your Highness.” With another quick glance at Warrick’s lap, Dara retreated.

Grinning, Elina reached for the toast. Warrick sat up, plucked a fat raspberry from the bowl and brought it to her lips.

“Oh.” Her eyes locked on his as she obediently opened her mouth. He slipped the berry in and followed with a kiss, gently, pressing his open lips to hers. The barest graze of his tongue along her inner bottom lip could not tell him what he needed to know, the flavor of raspberry was so sharp and strong—but he cared not at all. Because that small lick made Elina moan low in her throat, and she clutched at his shoulders, smashing her toast against his skin. Gently he coaxed her to open a little wider, sliding his tongue between her teeth to tease the tip of hers. Eagerly she responded, and her lips were swollen and her expression dazed when Warrick finally pulled back.

Then he selected another berry and went in for more.

“Your tonic— Oh!”

Elina laughed against his mouth before turning toward the nurse. “It is well, Chardryn. Though in future mornings, I will call for you when I am ready to leave my bed.”

Taking the small cup, Elina drank the contents in one swallow. Chardryn bustled away again.

Warrick reached for another berry, then paused. Elina had squeezed her eyes shut. Her breathing was quick and shallow, her face pale.


“I am well. I just…I do not think I can manage breakfast. Or more kissing. Nor can I bear to puke in front of you again. Or on you.”

Her wry smile couldn’t conceal her regret and embarrassment. Warrick stroked a thumb down her cheek.

“You may do anything you wish to me, Elina.”

“I only understood my name, but I like how you say it very much.”

Her sweetness filled him again and he reached for the raspberries—taking the full bowl, not just one. “I will bring these along with me. All day, I will remember the taste of your mouth and the feel of your nipple against my tongue.”

She might not have understood a word, but she didn’t misinterpret his tone or the look he gave to her lips. A blush overspread her cheeks again.

Satisfied, Warrick swept the sheet aside and left the bed. He collected his leather wrap but did not yet bother to put it on. In the corner of the tent, attendants were filling a bathing tub. Not big enough to share. He strode out into the early morning sun and a burst of giggles sounded from the attendants inside.

Dara approached carrying a pail of steaming water. She mimed shoveling food into her mouth and pointed.

“My thanks.”

Her cheeks pink, she smiled and bobbed a curtsy before sweeping past him. A moment later, another burst of giggles came from Elina’s tent.

Serjeant Iarthil came upon him next, brows raised high and eyes dancing with laughter. “Even in the Dead Lands, I believe warriors wear their clothing instead of carrying it.”

“Not before a morning’s bath.” Elina was sensitive to smells. So he would make certain she was not repelled by his.