I knew I could probably rent it out for more if I used it for short-term rentals. I wasn’t close to the beach per se, but it was only about fifteen, twenty minutes away.

But I personally preferred the idea of someone more steady that I didn’t need to babysit and worry about fucking up the place.

I put up a picture of the granny flat with a note under it to shoot me a text if they were interested, then finally headed out for the day.

I was fucking beat, but I was too curious about the party noises coming from the club not to stop in.

If nothing else, parties almost always meant food. Especially if Dezi was around, so I pulled my bike in, but kept it near the gate, so I could make an easy escape when I was done.

Music was thumping loud enough that I was surprised Brooks didn’t make them turn it down to avoid a drop-in from the cops.

Walking around the side of the building, I caught the scent of weed and… something sweet. Really sweet.

“Alright, who’s next?” Sully’s voice called, making me turn to find him standing there in board shorts and his boob shirt, but it was open in the front, and he was standing there with a can of whipped cream in one hand, and chocolate syrup in the other.

The fuck?

“Seth!” Sully said, spotting me. “Just in time for the next volunteer,” he said as a woman in a red bikini made her way in his direction, tits and ass bouncing, something that should have piqued my interest, but I felt nothing as she moved in front of Sully.

“What is she volunteering for?” I asked, looking at the Slip-N-Slide on the ground right by their feet.

“This,” Sully said, suddenly pouring syrup and spraying whipped cream onto the woman.

“The fuck…” I started, but then she was turning and running at the Slip-N-Slide, her body mixing with whatever the fuck other food stuff was all over the slide. “Why?” I asked, shaking my head.

“Because afterward, they pick who they want to lick it all off,” Sully declared, grin devilish as the girl in the red bikini walked over to Nave, who paused for all of two seconds before his hands were grabbing the strings of her bikini, pulling her forward, and getting to work.

You had to give it to Sully. The man was inventive with his party ideas.

Before I could say anything, I spotted Brooks walking out with bags of ice for the cooler.

His gaze went to the slide, the food mess, then the start of something resembling a damn orgy all around, and he exhaled hard.

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll talk to Fallon about a pool,” he said, shaking his head.

“You’re an evil genius,” I said, shaking my head at him. You had to give credit where it was due.

“Don’t think I don’t have plans for fun pool games too,” he said, smiling.

“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” I agreed.

“Want a turn?” he asked, shaking the whipped cream. “I figured, eventually, we get to be the ones getting food licked off of us by the pretty hunnies.”

“Nah, man. I’m fucking beat. Just wanted to steal some food,” I said.

“Suit yourself,” Sully said. “Next!” he called to a line of women who were ready to get sundae’d up.

Across the yard, I caught Finn’s gaze, nodding my chin at him, then making my way in his direction.

It didn’t escape me that there was some chocolate syrup on his shirt. But his girl, whoever she was, was gone.

“How’d it go?” he asked.

“Good,” I said as we ducked inside, the music more muted, as we made our way to the kitchen.

Pizza boxes littered damn near every surface. Walking over, I flipped the lid, and grabbed a slice.

“First customer was a woman,” I said.

“So the plan is working,” Finn said.

“Seems to be,” I agreed. “Amos is worried she is learning to shoot for a reason.”

“Like a… self-conclusion reason?”

“More like a homicidal reason.”

“Well… good for her,” Finn said, shrugging, making a snort escape me. “Come on. What woman do you know who is homicidal for no reason? Figure he probably has it coming.”

I mean… he had a point. Even if his world view had gotten a lot darker in recent years.

Growing up, Finn had been in the shadow of his more… attention-grabbing siblings. Ferryn, before she ran off, had been popular and confident. Then, of course, after she ran away, her absence became its own sort of shadow. And Fallon, well, Fallon had always been loud, over-the-top, cocky, womanizing, and bound to become the club president.

So Finn sort of struggled a lot as we were coming up with figuring out his place. For a long time, our friendship had been the closest, both of us young and stupid and fucking around, starting shit. But then Finn started to withdraw a bit, got more distant and serious.