I was his. And he was mine.
“Hold on, Princess,” he grunted as he pushed forward even more. I cried out as something inside me gave way. The sting of it took my breath away. But in a moment, it was gone.
“Are you alright?”
Vice was looking at me with intense worry and something else… tenderness. And what looked like a sliver of control. He was holding back, I realized. For me.
“Yes. Keep going.”
“Christ, woman… are you sure?”
“Yes! Please, for the love of God, Vice, move!”
He did. Bless him. He did.
Vice started taking low, deep strokes, in and out of my body. I whimpered at the feeling on intrusion. But it wasn’t unwelcome. Not at all.
I craved the pressure. The fullness. The profound presence of him inside me.
“I can’t… I want this to last forever sweetheart, but you feel too damned good,” he moaned as he started to pick up pace. I wrapped my legs around him, rising to meet his thrusts. He cursed a blue streak and then apologized, not stopping the relentless motion of his hips.
He kissed me hard and fast before he lost tempo, thrusting wildly before freezing above me. My body responded to his, climaxing with him. We trembled in unison as our bodies and our souls became one.
He held me as our bodies shook and shimmied. Slowly I came back to myself. I could not believe how different I felt. I felt like a whole new person.
I felt like a woman. I felt like his woman.
“I still don’t even know your first name,” I said, staring up at Vice in wonder. He just laughed and kissed me, pulling me close so that my head nestled in the crook of his shoulder.
“Let’s save something for the honeymoon,” he joked.
“We’re going on a honeymoon?” I asked sleepily. He just laughed and kissed my hair. The next thing I knew it was morning. I stretched and looked around the suite.
I am a married woman, I thought happily. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
“Want a taste?”
“Mango or papaya?”
“Hmmm you are better at this game than I am. Should I fetch the blindfold?”
My wife slapped my arm and then giggled.
“Is that a yes?”
“We are in public!”
“We are not in public. This is a private beach, as well you know. Or have you forgotten our honeymoon?”
My wife’s pleasantly pink cheeks turned a brighter shade of red. We were on our baby moon, at the same resort we had come to last year after our wedding.
To say she was surprised to be whisked off to Hawaii the day after the ceremony was an understatement. To say I was surprised at the number of Russian gangsters patrolling the scorching hot beaches in three piece suits was also an understatement.
Eventually a compromise had been met. We got a villa with a private beach, and they made sure it stayed private. We’d had a lot of fun on that beach. Fun that no one could see or hear. Mostly because I had been very firm about the distance of the perimeter.
It had been the most magical week of my life. Every day since had been just as good if not better. We had had a lot of fun making this baby. Fun I was hoping to reenact. Right now, with any luck.
“Can they see us?”
“No, my sweet. Your cousins would take their eyes for that.”
She nodded, knowing I was not joking. I was being extremely literal about the steps her over protective cousins would take. If someone tried to look on my unclothed wife without her consent, they were dead men walking.
And that didn’t even count what me and my guys would do to them.
So yeah, ‘out of the mafia’ was not entirely out of the mafia. But we were making it work. For the most part all they offered was protection and the occasional outlandish gift. None of which I complained about.
My wife deserved to be spoiled. By me and her family. By the damned world. She was just that wonderful.
The truth was, I had even come to like the fuckers a little bit. They did like to pop in and check on her, usually bringing Russian treats. She had tried to remind them she was mostly raised in Switzerland, but they were undeterred.
How many times had I walked into our house to see them sitting in our brand new kitchen, sipping cappuccinos and eating some sort of baked treat? Of course, I always knew when they were there. I had extensive security set up around the place. The house was gated with multiple layers of surveillance set up around and inside it. We were never truly alone.
But somehow, they always knew when I was not at home.
I had a crazy feeling they had set up security cameras, too.
The thought irked me, to say the least. But more eyes watching my precious wife, and her even more precious cargo, was not a bad thing. At least that is what Cain told me when I wanted to go ballistic and start an all out war over my suspicions.