I sighed. I was a motherless, friendless daughter. But I did have support. Vice, his club and even my cousins were here for me. And after today, I would have a husband.

As if on cue, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see all three of my cousins waiting for me, each dress impeccably in a suit and tie, each in varying shades of gray and silver.

I stared at them. They stared at me.

“Stacia, you look beautiful,” Andrei said, looking a bit awed.

“I didn’t realize you were such a dish, little one,” Anton said, picking me and giving me a squeeze.

“That man does not deserve you,” Alexei said flatly, following his cousins into the suite. “But you do look stunning,” he added.

“Must you all look so surprised,” I grumbled good naturedly. “I assume I have you to thank for the dress?”

They just smiled.

“Your groom said he had your wardrobe taken care of but we thought it was better if we handled it. Vice does not seem to have much fashion sense,” Anton sniffed, adjusting his cuff links.

“I think he is very handsome,” I said loyally. “And his clothing suits his lifestyle.”

They all stared at me, looking momentarily dumbstruck.

“I think she actually loves him,” Anton said, looking concerned.

“I do. So this means we really can’t kill him. Damn it. I wanted to,” Andrei added petulantly, making me stare at him, momentarily horrified.

“As long as he doesn’t step out of line,” Alexei said, linking his arm with mine and leading me to the door. “If he treats you badly, little bear, we will feed him to the tigers one piece at a time.”

“Oh, you,” I said, swatting his arm. But I had a feeling he was not joking. They did, in fact, have tigers at their shared family estate in Russia. My mind was tumbling over itself as we stepped out of the elevator to the first floor. “Do not hurt him or take out a hit just because I get in a fight with him! Swear it to me!”

All three of them exchanged glances. I stomped my foot. I knew they had been looking for a loophole. I knew it!

“Swear! It is my wedding day and this is my one request of you! No murdering!”

“Alright, alright, little one. We swear.”

“Each of you! Or I won’t let you walk me down the aisle!”

They looked alarmed at that and swiftly did as I asked, making the promise one by one. They did say I was allowed to change my mind. I just rolled my eyes.

And then everything started to move very, very quickly.

Music started to play. It was a familiar bridal march. I realized it was time. After the flurry of activity to prepare, it was actually happening. A feeling of panic swept through me. Once I walked down that aisle, there was no going back. The thought was sobering.

“You look very pale. Bloodless even. Are you sure you want to do this, Zaichik?”

I closed my eyes. I steeled myself. I thought of all the sacrifices Vice had made for me. I thought of how I felt in his arms. I thought of how I never wanted to be without him, ever again.

When I opened my eyes again, I was ready. My voice did not waver when I answered them.

“Yes. I am sure.”

“Then take my arm,” Anton commanded. I did. The other brothers argued over my other elbow. Andrei managed to win out. Alexei grumbled but stood to the other side of Anton. He refused to walk in front, protesting that he would look like a flower girl. We must have looked funny as we stepped onto the terrace and walked down the path towards the small crowd waiting on the sand.

We were quite the foursome. Not unlike the characters from the Wizard of Oz, one of my favorite films. All we needed was a small, yipping dog to weave between our feet.

I saw my husband-to-be. Only Vice would get married in blue jeans, I thought as I admired the way the worn in denim hugged his muscular legs. He did have a shirt and jacket on.

He was so handsome. And the love in his eyes steadied me. A sense of calm settled over me. His gorgeous eyes did not waver.

Alexei took my hand as I stepped away from his brothers and placed it gently into Vice’s upturned palm.

He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled at me. I turned to face the grizzled man with long silver hair waiting to marry us. Like many of Vice’s friends, he was covered in ink and wearing leather. But his eyes were kind as he smiled and then winked at me.

It was time, but there was no panic now. I was ready.



My heart stopped. Started again, and settled into a slow and steady pace. Before she appeared, my heart had been hammering in my chest. When I saw her, I calmed down, instantly.