Vice. Risking everyone’s lives over a girl he didn’t even know. Cain said he was in love with her. I snorted in disbelief. Vice did not have it in him to fall in love. He’d never so much as had a girlfriend.

“Careful what you wish for sweetheart, I can make it sting,” he said with narrowed eyes.

“I don’t want to be careful,” I said tartly, tossing my hair. I was upset that I had to be careful now. Usually the kids and I were safe as kittens. Nobody on earth would dare to fuck with my man. Almost nobody. But now… they’d managed to piss off the most violent and far reaching crime syndicate in the world.

The Russians, for God’s sake. And not just any Russians. The Aslanov!

“Ugh,” I grumbled as I picked up my phone and pecked out a message to the girl’s group chat. I couldn’t talk specifics, but I could tell the girls I was pissed off.

Need girl time asap

The response was immediate. Ping ping ping ping. Cain glared at me but I continued to ignore his ass and text with my sisters. This was on him.

Spa day? Michelle asked in a volley of ‘me too’s and ‘same girl’s.

Hell yes, I wrote back. And I knew just who was going to be paying for it.

Fanciest place we can book on short notice, I said into talk to text, knowing he could hear me. I wanted him to hear it. I gave him a sweet smile.

I knew the girls had connections and someone would hook us up without much effort. Collectively we could do anything. We were kinda scary that way.

My phone dinged again. Just like that, we were booked. Some of the girls were sharing a sitter, others had put their husband’s on duty without advanced notice, just like I was about to do.

None of us did that too often, so we could get away with it. I treated my husband with respect, even when I was pissed.

Then again, I could not recall ever being this pissed off at him before. It was definitely going to cost him.

“Have a good day. And make sure you hire a sitter. Someone you can trust,” I cooed as I pulled his wallet out and tugged out a wad of hundies. He cursed something about double spankings under his breath, which only made me smile wider. I headed to the master bedroom to get dressed.



“What are you doing?”

I jerked awake and looked around. I was in the bedroom. Her bedroom.

I must have passed out watching her sleep. I kept doing that. I had been watching her constantly since we got here two days ago. The best time for that was when she was sleeping, so I could stare at will. But she didn’t need to know that. Hell, it was better if she thought I didn’t like her at all, let alone that I was borderline obsessed.

Scratch that. I’m fully obsessed, I thought, watching the gorgeous, indignant girl stare imperiously at me from the king sized bed. A bed I wanted more than anything to join her in. In fact, I may have spent more than half the night planning what I was going to do when I eventually did get to join her between the sheets.

I was very thorough, planning in minute detail, I might add. Every touch, every taste, every move I would made had been thought out and reviewed, then improved upon.

So maybe I was more than obsessed. I wondered what the word was for it. There must be something.

Intoxicated? Deranged? Singularly focused for the rest of my days?

Oh yeah. I was beyond obsessed. I was fanatical about her. That was the perfect word. Not just fanatical about keeping her safe, though that was the top of the list. Everything about her fascinated, intrigued, and attracted me to a degree that shocked the hell out of me.

“I came in to check on you. I must have fallen asleep,” I admitted, leaving out the part where I watched her sleep for hours first.

“To make sure I was safe? Or still here?” She asked, arching a perfect eyebrow and crossing her arms. She had no idea how delicious that made her breasts look.

I cracked a smile at her tone, which was more than a tad bristly.

“Both,” I conceded. “I guess I was tired,” I added, feeling just a touch guilty about my voyeurism. I couldn’t seem to help myself, though. She drew my eye, and held it, in a way that nothing ever had before.

I was mesmerized.

She frowned at me, her hands moving to rest on the covers. I could tell she wasn’t sure if she wanted to pull them up to cover herself or push them down so she could cross the room and smack me. Either way, her guard was up, which was definitely not part of the plan.