“Please,” she whimpered, doing her best to be still.

“Hmmm… I will tell you when you are allowed,” I reminded her, starting all over again. I could feel it when she got close. I knew because her breathing got quicker and her sexy little hips started to grind again. “Are you close?”

“Yes… please… may I come?”

“Well, since you asked so nicely… you may,” I said with a chuckle, then proceeded to circle my tongue faster and faster on her hard little clit. She screamed quietly when she came, stifling the sound by burying her face in her hand and then a pillow. I kept going, making the orgasm continue far longer than the average man might. Almost to the point when she would beg for mercy… and beg for my shaft inside her.

Which is exactly what she did.

Quietly, of course. It was the worst possible moment for a screaming baby.

I grunted and decided to give her exactly what she wanted. Mostly because it’s exactly what I wanted, too. I needed this. I needed her. I needed to lose myself in the give and take of our games. In the animalistic pleasure of our fucking.

I held myself back, withholding the hell for leather sexfest we both craved for as long as I humanly could. I’d had extensive military and martial arts training. I had an iron will.

My lady was the only person alive who would make me lose my control. I never lost my cool. Not in combat. Not when running the club. Only here, in bed with her, the love of my formerly godforsaken life.

She had given me everything so I gave her every inch of my shaft, slowly, again and again, until her head was tossing on the pillow. I knew she was breaking the rules. That was deliberate.

My girl was a brat sometimes. It was part of our game. A part we both thoroughly enjoyed.

She wanted to be disciplined and I would be happy to oblige her.

I hadn’t yet allowed her to stop climaxing, let alone have the ability to ask for permission to peak again. My girl always asked, but she did not always obey. She could be defiant. I had to read her carefully to know if she was tired or out of sorts, or if she was begging for a different kind of attention.

Nobody loved a playful punishment as much as my Kelly.

Particularly when that involved turning her over my lap for a light spanking. Sometimes lighter than others.

Later, I decided, murmuring softly that she would pay for her disobedience. But the thought of my big hand making her bottom quiver finally made me quicken my pace. I growled and told her so. Then she really went wild.

That was it. I lost control. Just as I always did with my gorgeous wife.

I thrust into her wildly, losing any trace of gentleness. I fucked her hard. Not hard enough to hurt her, but probably pretty damned close. She liked to ride that edge between pleasure and pain, I knew, but I was super careful with her. I never took things too far.

My tempo faltered, then picked up speed. I closed my eyes as the orgasm crashed over me like a gigantic wave. The fucking was rough, and so was the climax. I felt her responding underneath me, scratching my shoulders, her sharp little teeth making a crescent moon on my chest as she nipped and marked me like a wild cat.

It was a while before either of us could catch our breath again. When I finally rolled to my side, bringing her delectably curvy body with me, I sighed. I remembered that I needed to tell her what was up.

I squeezed her but I need not have worried that she would drift off again. She was awake. Waiting.

She always knew when something was up, for better or worse. It could be damned inconvenient sometimes. My woman read me like a book. And after the intensity of that fuck session, I knew she could tell that I was at the edge of the amount of stress I could tolerate.

I took a deep breath and kissed her forehead, deeply inhaling the sweet, familiar scent of her hair.

“Baby, we need to talk.”



“You owe me a spanking,” I said sweetly and very quietly as I slammed a plate of eggs with toast down in front of my husband. The kiddos weren’t paying attention, playing at the breakfast table in their high chairs, but Cain cast a sharp glance towards them anyway. He would probably take me to task about it later, but I didn’t give a damn.

I was pissed and we both knew it. He should not have taken that case. And if he was going to take it, he should not have allowed Vice to go off the goddamned rails.