If the cat was out of the bag, then we were in deep shit for real. And the sole daughter of the head of the biggest and most notorious Russian Mafia family going missing was big news indeed. Not to mention her father’s reputation for, uh, ‘creative cruelty’.

So yeah, I was stressed. I was worried as fuck about Vice. I had already put some of my own guys on my own family, as well. The club was on high alert to watch for trouble, though I hadn’t told any of them why, not even my officers.

That didn’t mean I didn’t stop by my wife’s favorite fast food place to get her a midnight snack. I didn’t usually work this late, but when I did, I always spoiled her a little bit extra. She missed me when I was gone, I knew.

Not even close to how much I missed her, though.

I nodded at Killer, parked in an SUV across the street from my house. He nodded back, letting me know that all was well. I had around the clock surveillance on my woman and kids now, not that she needed to know about it.

I was going to have to tell her to keep her eyes open, though.

But first, I had something else to do…

I let myself into the house. It was dark and quiet, not surprisingly at this hour. My woman worked her cute not-so-little tush off. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t want to wake up and talk. And hopefully do more than talk.

Much, much more.

I needed her touch, badly. I needed the reassurance that she was safe and that she was mine. I needed the reminder of all the beauty that existed in the world.

Almost all of it under this particular roof, in my not-so-humble opinion.

I walked slowly and carefully through the house, stowing my weapon in one of several gun safes, and throwing the rest of my shit on the desk in my office. Quietly, of course. One did not chuck keys when women and children were sleeping. Oh hell no.

I especially did not want to wake the children. They would want mommy. But I wanted mommy more.

I checked the backdoor and in on the kiddos before opening the bedroom door and closing it softly behind me. When I turned around, I could not believe my eyes.

It was like all my dreams and fantasies had come true.

There, spread out in all her glory, my tiny gorgeous wife had somehow fallen asleep and taken over the entire bed.

In a red negligee, no less. Silk and lace and beautiful skin were all I could see. Her big eyes blinked up at me innocently as she woke.

But that was the only innocent thing about her.

Her long leg legs were bare, with the silky bit of nothing starting way up on her upper thighs.

Good God, I thought. My life is good. I want to keep on living it.

She rolled over, stretching her insanely curvy body languorously. My woman was like a satisfied cat. She always looked like she had just eaten a bowl of cream.

I had some cream for her.


“It’s me,” my voice sounded rough and low, even for me. “I need you, wife.”

She smiled at me slowly. My body tightened up as she sat up and crawled across the extra large California King, the look of love in her eyes. She bit her lip and reached for my belt buckle.

I let her undo my pants and slide them down, watching as she stared hungrily at my package. She rubbed her soft little hands over my bulge, looking up at me for permission.

“Not tonight, little girl. Not yet.”

She pouted. Then brightened at me next words.

“I need to take care of you first.”

She smiled sweetly and laid back on the bed, waiting.

“Spread them,” I ordered roughly. “You better not be wearing panties.”

“I’m not.”

“Are you a good girl?”

She nodded slowly as she spread those insanely gorgeous legs of hers as wide as they could go.

I grunted my approval, quickly removing the rest of my clothes, leaving my boxers on. I stared hungrily as I leaned down, finally getting a peak underneath that sexy ass nightie of hers.

Pink petals. Soft, sweet, and devoid of hair. Or panties.

“A very, very good girl,” I murmured as I settled between her thighs, kissing and tasting her as I pleased. My woman was submissive to me, but there was nothing weak about her, or the way her hands ran through my hair.

People often misunderstood the type of relationship we had. We just had a certain set of rules, and she chose to follow them to please me. Just as I did things to please her. Like this, I thought as I slid one of my thick fingers into her sweetness as my tongue danced over her sensitive nub.

“Not yet, princess,” I chided as she started rocking her hips against my mouth. I pulled back and blew on her pussy to cool her ass down. “You know you need permission to come.”