“Yes, thank you. For everything. The hair, makeup, dress, all of it.”
He nodded with a pleased smile on his face.
“You were a charming gentleman tonight, Trev,” my mom said to him.
She was feeling him out. I could see it in her eyes.
He shrugged. “I can be when I have the proper motivation.”
She laughed softly, but her gaze flicked to mine for a moment. “We all need a little motivation sometimes. But tell me, was that motivation my daughter?”
I tensed. She was doing this here. Going for the jugular.
Thanks, Mom.
Not what I wanted to happen in the limo with her and Garrett.
“Yes, as a matter of fact. It seems Gypsi and I had a misunderstanding. It was my fault, and once it was cleared up, I had some making up to do.”
Mom raised her eyebrows in surprise. “I see. And this misunderstanding was about what exactly?”
“Mom,” I said, begging her with my eyes to shut up.
She tilted her head and gave me a knowing smile. “Honey, I am your mother. I want to know if Trev and you are having a thing or whatever. Is this friends, or is there more to it?”
“I’ve already spoken to Trev about it, Fawn. He knows not to cross that line,” Garrett assured her.
She looked up at Garrett. “Is that a line you drew or that Gypsi drew?” she asked, turning back to me.
He frowned. “I drew it for you,” he said.
Mom shook her head. “It’s not my line to draw. Gypsi is an adult. I don’t draw lines for her.”
Garrett cleared his throat. “I see. I just … well, I realize they’re adults, but we will be family. We are family, and that can get messy. Trev isn’t one for relationships. I don’t want to make things awkward for everyone in the future.”
Mom swung her gaze to me, and we looked at each other for several moments, having a silent conversation only a mom and daughter who had grown up together could have.
“I think that Gypsi is able to make those decisions. She’s not dramatic. She forgives easily. If everything is out on the table, there are no hidden agendas, then telling them what they can and can’t do will only make it all the more tempting.”
“Not sure that’s possible,” Trev said, and my widened as I gaped at him.
Mom’s musical laughter filled the limo, and Trev shrugged when his eyes met mine.
Garrett shifted in his seat. “Very well, Fawn. I just want you happy. This is in your hands. I will stay out of it.”
She leaned into Garrett and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “No, love, it’s in their hands. Not mine.”
We arrived at the house and all exited the limo. Mom whispered things to Garrett, and his chuckle followed them up the stairs to the house.
Trev held my elbow, keeping me back until they were far enough away, then looked down at me. “My room tonight, Lollipop,” he said softly. “I’m going to handle something quickly with Kye. But be in my bed when I get there.”
“Okay,” I replied.
He released me, and I climbed the stairs. Mom was waiting at the door for me when I reached it. Garrett was already up the left wing stairs. She closed the door behind me, then took my arm.
“Did I do the right thing? Is that what you want?” she whispered.
I nodded.
She looked at me with her worried mom frown. “Don’t get hurt. I know I talked a big game in that limo, but I am worried. Trev does look at you like you’re the precious jewel you are, and that’s why I did it. I watched him tonight, and he won me over with the way he couldn’t see anyone but you. It’s just that you’ve been hurt already, and I feel like that was my fault. Is Trev why you aren’t seeing Saxon?”
I nodded. “It’s been Trev all along. Since day one.”
“Oh, honey. If anyone can tame a playboy, it’s you. I have faith in you.”
I laughed. “Thanks, but I’m not trying to tame him. It’s a friends with benefits thing.”
She raised her eyebrows. “The way he was looking at you was not friendly.”
“That’s the benefits thing.”
“Not so sure about that.”
I reached up and kissed her cheek. “Stop worrying, and thank you. Garrett had put the hammer down on Trev. This helps. We’ve had a rough week. I’ll tell you about it later. I’m just glad it’s all cleared up. I missed him.”
“So, it wasn’t my engagement that had you so sad. You like it here?”
“I like it here. And I’m happy about your engagement. If it falls through, we can sell that ring and live the rest of our lives on the profit.”
Mom laughed and shook her head. “I love that man. This isn’t falling through.”
I believed her.
Gypsi was asleep in my bed when I got back. It had taken longer than expected with the new security guy we had in place. I watched her sleep while I took off the tux and kicked off my shoes. Seeing her there was right. It made every-fucking-thing in my life feel like it was going to be okay. She made it okay. She made it perfect.