Either way, I just hope she’s healthy. Nothing matters more than that. She’ll be loved by both her parents no matter what her name is.

I get Ruby into the wheelchair and roll her up to the maternity ward.

The labor is really short after that. We barely get her into the room before the baby comes shooting out.

She’s so beautiful. I’m already in love.

I’m holding her tiny body and staring at her perfect face in awe.

I can’t wait for it all. The cuddles, piggyback rides, dance recitals, and food fights. I even can’t wait for the dirty diapers, temper tantrums, and messy house. I’m just so excited for this blessed new life I didn’t think I’d ever be lucky enough to have.

“How about Amelia?” Ruby asks in a whisper.

I smile as I look at my baby sleeping in my big hands.

“She looks like an Amelia,” I whisper. “I like it.”

“Come here,” Ruby says, waving me onto the hospital bed.

I sit down beside her and we both watch the baby sleeping, knowing that nothing will ever be the same again.

We have a family now. I have a family.

I’m so grateful for these two new angels in my life.

A life that I thought was over.

It’s not over anymore.

It’s only just beginning…



Ten Years Later…

“Look at what your daughter is doing,” I say with a laugh when I spot Amelia out the window over the kitchen sink.

“Where did she find that?” Jack asks with a chuckle as he comes to my side and watches her. “I put that away years ago.”

Our adorable little ten-year-old is standing a few yards in front of the wooden target with the bullseye on it. She has a fierce determined look on her face as she lines up the throwing ax and then launches it as hard as she can. It slams into the middle of the bullseye with a thunk.

We both laugh out of shock.

“She takes after you,” I say as I look up at my man.

“She’ll make an amazing Navy SEAL one day,” Jack says as he watches her with a warm smile.

I shake my head, not even wanting to think about that. Two Navy Seals in my family are enough for me.

“Seal!” our one-and-a-half-year-old Max shouts from his high chair. “Seal! Seal! Seal!”

Jack turns to him with a raised eyebrow. “Maybe we’ll have two Navy SEALs…”

“He’s talking about real seals,” I say with a laugh as Jack goes and picks him up. “The animal, but nice try.”

I lean against the counter and smile as I watch Jack lift Max up and blow a raspberry on his stomach. He squeals in delight.

We have three children—Amelia, our middle son James who’s playing upstairs in his room, and little Max.

Jack is the most caring, loving, and attentive father out there. He’s such a wonderful man and I’m so happy that he’s mine.

I always feel so safe and secure with him looking out for our family. We all have our own personal Navy SEAL bodyguard looking out for us.

Another ax hits the wooden target with a thunk.

“Is she okay playing with those?” I ask nervously as I peek out the window. She got it in the bullseye again! What the hell? I missed it by a mile my first time trying that. She really is her father’s daughter.

“Oh yeah,” Jack says like it’s nothing. “I taught her how to properly handle a blade years ago.”

I close my eyes and shake my head, not wanting to hear any of that.

When you have a Navy SEAL slash Mountain Man husband, you quickly learn that you have to let some things slide.

At least I know that my children will know how to protect themselves when that inevitable day comes when they venture out on their own.

I’ll be sad to see them go, but at least I’ll still have Jack.

My savior. My mountain man. My soul mate.

And he will always be enough.

The End!