Morgan kept her eyes on his. In what she hoped was a cool voice, she said, “Only curious.”
Seth roared. He continued laughing as he began to dress. Morgan carefully kept her eyes averted.
He left, telling Morgan to come down when she was ready, that his family would be anxious to meet her.
As Morgan dressed, she had time to think. She did not like the way things were going. Already she and Seth had had one quarrel, and they had been married just a few hours. If they were to live together for a full year, they must come to terms. They could not go on this way, with stolen kisses and angry words.
His three sisters were waiting at the foot of the stairs.
“Hello. You must be Seth’s wife,” the tallest one called. “This is Jennifer, the youngest, Eleanor, the middle, and I am Austine, the oldest.”
“Austine and Eleanor are engaged!” Jennifer chirped.
“Let’s go into the drawing room and get acquainted. Bessie says you two have only known one another for a day and a half!” Austine looked at Morgan questioningly.
“Yes, that’s true.”
“Love at first sight! I would never have guessed that Seth could be so romantic,” Eleanor added.
Jennifer smiled, “We’re so glad it was you and not that Cynthia Ferguson.”
“Jennifer!” Austine’s anger did not seem real. “What Jennifer means is…”
“Just what she said,” Eleanor supplied. “You’re our sister now, and we can tell you what we think.”
Austine seemed suddenly to notice Morgan’s unfashionable, baggy dress. “Did you bring much luggage?”
Morgan blushed. “No, I… Seth wanted me to buy new clothes before we left for New Mexico.”
“New Mexico!” Eleanor cried. “I thought he’d stay at home now that he had a wife.” She looked close to tears.
“Hush, Elly. Seth and Morgan will decide what they want to do. Now we must have time to think about your clothes. Papa will take us to Louisville, and we can buy lots of fabric.”
“And ribbons and lace.”
“This is so exciting! Why, Morgan, we’ll make you the most fashionable young lady in the entire West.”
“Girls! Please allow your mother to meet her new daughter.” Morgan looked to the door to see a tall, slim woman with an abundance of thick, dark blond hair coiled around the back of her head. She was so different from her plump, pink-and-white daughters. In fact, there was something about her that reminded Morgan very much of Seth.
“Oh, Mama, Seth told her that she was to get new clothes before they left. They are going to New Mexico.” Eleanor said this with a hint of disbelief.
The girls’ mother smiled at Morgan, and Morgan felt relieved. Here was someone she could talk to—these chattering girls were difficult to comprehend.
“Morgan, my name is Nora. Let’s go to the morning room so that we may talk.” She ushered Morgan out of the drawing room, down the large entry hallway, and into a small room decorated in green and white. A large window faced the east, and the sun was streaming in. Nora motioned Morgan to be seated.
“I watched you for a few moments with my daughters. You did not seem to take an active part in their chatter.”
Morgan immediately liked this woman. She felt she could be honest. “No, I am not used to talk of clothes and lace and romance.”
Nora did not change her expression. She continued looking at Morgan directly. “Why did you marry my son?” Nora hesitated for only seconds and then continued. “I know that one of you slept on the couch last night, and I also know my son. He does not fall in love at first sight.” She looked steadily at Morgan.
Morgan decided to tell her the truth.
“I will tell you. My one goal in life is to live in my childhood home, Trahern House. I am a quiet person. I am uncomfortable around many people, and I plan to live alone there.
“Two years ago, my mother died. Since I was not of age, I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle. My parents had separated when I was one year old, and my father still lived in New Mexico.”
Nora’s brows lifted at the mention of New Mexico.