Things are still a bit tense between us, but I’m starting to appreciate our differences. I’m clearly the witty one who will be providing meals for my family. Patrick is very pragmatic, and will be good at making the tough calls and putting Emily’s safety above all else. Ezra is quieter than Patrick and me but is sharp and detail-oriented. I know he’s picking up on our mate’s habits, her likes and dislikes, and every little thing about her.
“It’s obvious the two of you haven’t had decent food in years. Now you’ll have three square meals a day.”
“Huh,” Patrick says. “You’re right. We’d live together.” I can tell he’s not really talking to anyone in particular, more just thinking through things out loud. It’s interesting to have an insight into his mind. “Which means our strengths will cover others’ weaknesses.”
Ezra nods along to this train of thought while I grin. These two are finally getting on board. Just in time, too. I smell our mate approaching the front door.
“Show time,” I tell them, nodding toward the door. Seconds later, a light knock sounds, and Patrick opens the door in a rush.
“Mate,” he rasps. I can’t see Emily yet because the big guy is blocking the way, but even just her sweet scent is enough to drive me wild.
“Emily,” Ezra says softly. “You’re stunning. Even more beautiful than I remember.”
I raise my eyebrows at the unexpectedly flowery words from the normally silent Ezra. Looks like he’s stepping up his game as well.
“Thank you,” Emily whispers. I can hear the slight waiver in her voice, and I quickly jump in before things get too intense.
“There you are,” I say, waltzing out of the kitchen and into the living room. Emily lifts her head, gracing me with the most adorable smile. Her green eyes sparkle, and I can’t stop my feet from taking me closer, closer, closer until I’m right in front of her.
Emily tilts her chin up, meeting my gaze. I reach out, slowly brushing a few strands of her dark brown hair out of her eyes, then cup the side of her face. Gently, so damn gently, I bend down and press a kiss to her forehead. She sighs and relaxes at my touch, making my wolf roll over on his back. He loves being this close to her and finally touching her soft skin.
I trail my lips down her temple until they brush against the shell of her ear. “We’ll be on our best behavior,” I whisper. “All we want is to make you feel comfortable around us.”
It takes all my strength to step away from her instead of throwing her over my shoulder, but I remind myself to take it slow. This is a big step for her, and I can’t push Emily for more.
Ezra immediately takes my place, standing in front of Emily and smiling down at her. She blushes, making Ezra lean down and kiss her bright pink cheeks. Patrick reaches out for Emily, taking her hand and pulling her toward him. She giggles as she stumbles into his chest, and Patrick wraps his arms around her in a hug.
The timer goes off, breaking up the sweet moment. I’m satisfied that this time our introductions went much better than our first one, and I can’t wait to see how this evening holds.
“What’s for dinner?” Emily asks once she’s seated at the table. Patrick is on her left, and Ezra is on her right.
Instead of answering, I set the platter of chicken and potatoes in the center of the table, followed by a large bowl of tossed salad.
“Oh my gosh, this looks amazing!” she exclaims. My wolf preens inside my chest, and hell yeah, I stand a little taller, knowing my mate approves.
“I hope it’s up to your standards,” I say. “I’ve never cooked for a professional baker before.”
I serve everyone up and then take my seat across from Emily. As much as I’d like to sit next to her and brush my knee against hers like my friends are, I’m content to have her full attention on me for the moment.
“I have a confession,” Emily says, darting her eyes from side to side. Fuckin’ adorable. “I suck at cooking.”
This startles a laugh out of Ezra while I grin at her. “Is that so?”
“Yup,” she confirms. “My grandma taught me everything she knew about baking. I love all things sugary and confectionary, and I can make everything from an apple fritter to a wedding cake, but when it comes to spices and savory dishes? Count me out.”
“You and Patrick have that in common,” I tease.
“Are you ever going to forget that I eat canned pasta sauce?” Patrick asks, though his eyes are filled with laughter.
“Eventually,” I tell him.
“So, tell us about you,” Ezra says to Emily. “What brought you to town? Did you always want to own a bakery? Where is your family?”
“Slow down there, killer,” I tell him, cutting off the string of questions.
“Sorry,” he mutters. “I’m just excited to get to know you.”
Emily blushes and rests her hand on his on the table. Ezra perks up, flipping his hand over and lacing his fingers through hers.