How do I explain that to them? Would it even matter?
I see Wade pace in front of the window. and my body warms at the sight of him. I can’t deny that I’m attracted to all three of them. Even when they were fighting and making me a little nervous, I still couldn’t hide that I was attracted to them.
All of them.
How could I possibly choose just one when I’m equally into all three of them?
“Ughh,” I groan again. “I’m fine!” I yell before they can ask.
I feel like I’m just going around in circles. I want them, but not like this. I don’t want to choose between them, but they don’t want to share me. How could this ever work?
I fluff the pillow under my head and close my eyes, praying for sleep.
At some point, I must drift off but not for very long. When my alarm goes off, my eyelids are almost too heavy to open. It feels like I just closed my eyes a second ago, but the blinking alarm clock tells me otherwise. I scrub my hands down my face, trying to wake up a little more.
“Morning,” comes a deep voice.
“Nope!” I call back without even looking to see who it is.
I pull my tired body out of bed and make my way into the bathroom. I’m hoping that a hot shower will help me transition into the land of the living.
The sun isn’t even up yet when I come out of the shower and start to get dressed. I still feel half asleep as I pull on a pair of jeans and a clean T-shirt.
A strangled growl sounds from behind me, spiking my adrenaline and shocking my system into being awake.
I spin around, my eyes wide as I see all three of them staring in at me.
“For the love ofGOD!” I shout. “GO. AWAY!”
“You look really pretty,” Wade calls, and I grab a shoe and toss it at the window.
They don’t even blink. Their hungry gazes are locked on me, and I can feel my blood heat with their lustful attention.
I throw my hands up in the air as I stomp out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. I make myself a cup of coffee and pour it into my travel mug before I shove my feet into my shoes and get ready to head to the bakery.
I open the door, and I’m not even surprised when I’m greeted by all three of them.
“Where are you off to so early?” Ezra asks me.
He seems to be the calmest of the three of them. They all have such different personalities, but I’m equally drawn to all three of them.
“Work. I have to get there early to make all the pastries and baked goods for the day.”
“We’ll walk you,” Patrick says, and I sigh.
“Yeah, of course you will. Let’s go.”
I close and lock the front door behind me before I take off with my three shadows right behind me.
“How did you sleep?” I ask as we fall into step around Emily.
“Don’t you already know? I’m assuming you were spying on me all night,” she sasses back.
“I’d rather call it protecting than spying,” Wade tells her, and she bites back a smile.