She stretched forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I have so much to tell you later. Gran learned to make this from a drag queen named Sparkles!”

I let her scent fill my senses before I risked exposing us by kissing the corner of her mouth. “I’ll fill you in later on when is or isn’t an appropriate time to bring up my grandma.”

Gran’s face popped up beside Jenny and I let go of the railing without hesitation. Landing on my feet back on the field, I laughed when Gran flipped me off.

Winking at both of them I ran to where the special teams coach was going over a few last minute notes. Before I got my head in the game, I looked up and saw Jason staring into the stands. He seemed to find who he was looking for and got a goofy grin on his face. He pointed and I followed his finger, but I didn’t know who had him looking as goofy as I felt. I was thankful that whoever it was had distracted him while I let Jenny pull me into her orbit.

The first huddle Ryder was typically vicious in his focus and desire to win. That night, he had a secret smile that his helmet didn’t hide. He looked around at us and shook that smile away. Stern Ryder was back. He lasted through the first half but we were up by four touchdowns and a field goal so during the second half, he seemed to be having fun. He was more relaxed than I’d ever seen him on the field. The guys were thrown off at first, but we all quickly shifted to meet his attitude. The fucker was a true leader on the field.

We had fun in the second half. It was weird but by the end of the game, we were still up by those four touchdowns and the energy in the stadium was wild. Every glance I stole in Jenny’s direction told me that she was having a blast. It filled my chest with something big and warm to see her with my family. She looked like she belonged.

As the clock ran out, everyone erupted in cheers. Hudson ran at me and we jumped into each other, laughing. We smacked each other’s helmets and then he whistled while looking towards Jenny. I looked back, expecting to see Jenny’s tiny skirt bouncing around, but instead I saw Ryder jumping up on the railing the way I had with the game ball.

As embarrassing as it was to admit, a part of me felt like a tween girl watchingTwilightfor the first time. I’d even grabbed Hudson’s shoulder pads as we watched Ryder climb over the railing and scoop Jenny into his arms. She laughed wildly and smiled down at him with pure joy radiating off of her. He handed her the game ball and nodded his head upwards to let her know what to do with it. The resounding cheer from the stadium when she held it over her head was just as good as a shot of pure adrenaline.

“Damn. Am I going to cry?” Hudson grabbed my arm and then shoved me away as we both dissolved into laughter. “Come on. I need to meet with Gran about making the rest of Jenny’s clothes for the rest of her life. I also need to discuss with her why she can’t seem to find a jersey with my number on it.”

Another deafening cheer rang out and we both turned to see Jason making out with a woman who was wrapped around him like cling film. I hit Hudson and pointed.

“Isn’t that the girl he’s been chasing around?”

Hudson grinned and clapped, excited for our best friend. “Hell yeah! Get it, Jace!”

“Let’s go fuck with him. And thank whoever that woman is for distracting him from seeing us all over Jenny.” I looked back at Ryder and Jenny and saw Ryder’s arms windmilling as Gran held him to her chest. Jenny was laughing hysterically, clearly choosing her side in the ongoing battle between Gran and Ryder. “Or should I save Ry from Gran?”

Hudson looked between our two best friends and snorted. “Fuck Ryder and that smooth game ball hand off. Let Gran eat him alive.”

“Jason, it is.” We both made our way across the field, excited for Jason but ready to embarrass the shit out of him. “Jacey, baby!”


“Tablesixteenneedsrefills,Jenny!” Jackie’s daughter, Danielle, yelled across the crowded restaurant at me. “And ten wants their check!”

I was going to cry. I could feel the stress climbing higher and higher. It was my first Friday night at Jackie’s and in the shifts I’d worked, it’d never been so busy. People were moving from table to table, everyone was loud, and I’d only avoided being dined and dashed because Jackie spotted the table and stopped them. I’d thought I was okay at waitressing, but I was wrong. I wasn’t okay. I was terrible and I was going to cry into table sixteen’s refills.

“Another round of beers!” A table full of frat boys cheered louder as their leader shouted at me. “And wear a smile when you bring them!”

I swallowed what I wanted to say and forced my legs to carry me towards the drink station. I could remember table sixteen’s drinks. A water, two sweet teas, and a…Shit. I couldn’t remember. I tried to take a deep breath, but Danielle yelled at me again.

“What’s the hold up, Jenny?!”

“Yo! Those beers aren’t coming any faster with you just staring into space, baby!”

I spun around to lost my mind on the guy yelling at me but Jackie was standing between us, frowning at me. I swallowed my retort and tried to appear calm. “I’m-”

“Two seconds from a stroke. Take five out back.” She turned to the rowdy table. “Now, I’d like you to try yelling at me. You can still call me baby, though. I kinda like it.”

I didn’t stick around to hear the rest of whatever mind games Jackie was playing. I hurried through the kitchen and out the back door. The night air was cooling off more by the day but it was still muggy as I pressed my back to the back wall of Jackie’s and finally took the deep breath I needed. Immediately I felt calmer.

I was afraid I wasn’t cut out for waitressing. I’d fallen in love with the football games instantly, but that was different because I had Axel’s family with me. The crowded restaurant made me aware of how alone I was when everyone looked like a stranger and they were all calling out at me. I wasn’t sociable enough. When it was slower, I could talk with the customers and be friendly, but in a crowd I just wanted to hide so I wasn’t coming off as friendly. I hated doing things poorly.

I took another deep breath and held it for a few seconds. I’d been nervous about the shift tonight. Jackie had warned me it would be crazy. The guys had noticed how nervous I was about it and instead of packing for their out of town game, they’d spent their time giving me their favorite pep talks, ones their coaches had given them over the years. My stomach clenched as I thought about how I’d be spending the night alone in the house for the first time.

That was another reason I was so off. Not just because I was going to be alone, I’d lived alone in my apartment for two years, but because the guys wouldn’t be there. I’d been spending too much time with them, and I’d gotten attached too quickly. Since the night they’d taken me together in Hudson’s room, I’d been around at least one of them most of the time. I guessed that was the issue with there being three of them. I never had to be alone. Until I did.

I looked up at the night sky and blew out a long breath. I just had to go back inside and finish my shift. It was probably best that I wasn’t just at home, sitting around wondering what the guys were doing at their hotel. We had plans to video chat when I got off work, but I missed them and it scared me to understand how much I’d grown to care about them. The way I’d felt crushed at knowing they’d be gone the whole weekend had overshadowed anything I’d ever felt over Landon. I’d gone home for a month at a time while dating Landon and never felt sad. The guys would be back Sunday morning. It was nothing.

I groaned. It felt like something. I was an idiot and I wanted to take more time to beat myself up for being a clingy mess, but I could practically feel Danielle fuming at me through the walls. I took another deep breath and pushed off the rough brick.