“Um… Sure?” I slapped my hand to my forehead. “I mean, sure. Sure! I just need a few minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“If you take longer than ten minutes, I’ll leave you here, kid.” He groaned. “Hangover from hell.”
I listened to the sound of him walking away and looked up at Axel. “What do I do?”
He turned me around so I was under the water. “You wash your hair while I wash your body. You’ll be out in no time.”
I looked over my shoulder at him. “I’ll wash my body. You wash my hair.”
I’d never seen him pout before that moment. He nodded and sighed. “Okay, I can do that.”
Things went fine until I bent over to wash my legs and pressed my ass firmly against his dick, hisharddick. I turned around to face him and sent a questioning look at his erection.
He shrugged. “Ignore it.”
I tried to, I really did. My eyes were drawn to it like a magnet, though. I felt that ache between my thighs again and I somehow knew the only thing going to ease that ache was having Axel inside me.
“You’ve got to stop looking at me like that, Kitten.” Axel groaned and took a deep breath. “My control is shit right now and if you don’t stop, we’re going to end up killing Jace by way of him finding me with my dick buried as deep in you as I can get.”
That sentence messed with me. The mention of Jason and the idea of hurting him had me stepping away, but the promise in that last part drew me back in. I opened and closed my mouth, confused about what I wanted to say.
“Goddammit. Get out of the shower.” He opened the door and gently pushed me out. “Depend on me to make the right choice next time and you’re getting fucked, Kitten. Now go eat with your brother.”
I made it to the door and was about to open it when Axel gently reminded me to get a towel. I sent him a finger gun, palmed my forehead again, and rushed out of there. I wasn’t sure if I still had my dignity or if it’d been washed down the drain with Axel’s come. I swore as that thought registered in my head. Yep, it’d gone down the drain.
Istaredupatthe ceiling and wondered if anyone had ever died from being so fucking bored. Being a DuPont meant there were things I had to do for the family. Sitting in on a presentation about the newest college charity project was one of those things. I liked the charity work but I didn’t understand why I needed to sit at a meeting and listen to an hour of people talking about it.
I’d tried blowing off the meetings and dinners and everything else when I was a freshman but I’d quickly learned that Papa Hudson was a mean sonofabitch when you made him look bad. He’d showed up out of nowhere to threaten me and let me know that I would either do what I was supposed to do or he’d have me out on my ass before I could say shit about shit. Considering that I liked his money paying for college, I went along with what he wanted.
I looked around the room and realized that Professor Hall was sitting across the room. I hadn’t seen him join the meeting, but he seemed like the type to do everything he could to look good and make tenure. There was something about the guy that set off alarm bells in my head. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I fucking hated him and his bullshit Psych class. The only positive thing about it was Jenny, and he never let her do anything besides click through slides. Since Jenny had moved in with us, I could see her all I wanted at home. That made Intro to Psych useless to me.
He looked back at me and even from across the room, I saw the way his lips turned down. Yeah, Professor Hall didn’t like me, either. It felt like he had a personal problem with the football team. He’d been responsible for failing more than a few players. If I was reading his expression correctly, I knew he’d have no problem failing me, too. I was counting on the tutoring with Jenny to save my ass.
I turned to look outside and caught a glimpse of messy light brown hair. I looked harder and grinned. Jenny was walking by with her arms loaded down and she looked like she was talking to herself.
Even while knowing I should mind my own business and stay away from Jenny, I stood up and slipped out of the side door. I didn’t want to be rude, but if I had to choose between making bad decisions with Jenny Ramsey or listening to people talk about charity, I was going to choose Jenny every time. Having her move in with us was probably a bad idea, but I’d been too intrigued by her and her secrets to say no when Jason proposed the idea.
I jogged outside and looked around for her. She hadn’t gotten very far and I stopped and watched for a moment. Her hair was piled on top of her head and sticking out in every direction. Her thick glasses were slipping down her nose and she stopped to press her face into her arm to shove them back up. Her t-shirt was stuck to her back with sweat and because of that, it was clinging to her ass in the most delicious way.
Baby Ramsey wasn’t the type I usually went for. She was too fucking smart for me and my bullshit. There was something about her that pulled at me, though. Her giant light brown eyes behind those big glasses and her wide, pouty smile were quietly sexy.
I shook my head at myself. Jason would murder me if he knew the thoughts I’d been having about his baby sister. Fortunately for me, I liked living on the edge.
I caught up to Jenny and moved around in front of her, walking backwards so she didn’t have to stop moving. From up close, I could see the sweat on her face and I knew the shade of red wasn’t her normal flustered blush. I stopped, forcing her to stop, too. “Hey. What’s wrong? You look like you’re about to pass out.”
She shifted and the stuff in her arms swayed dangerously. Her fingers were white from where she was gripping the box sitting at the bottom of her pile. I immediately reached out and took everything from her. It was heavy, way too heavy for her to be carrying around campus.
“Stop, Hudson. You don’t need to help me. I’m just carrying it to Professor Hall’s office.” She pulled the bottom of her t-shirt up to wipe her face and flashed me a sliver of stomach.
“Why are you carrying this shit for him?”
“I’m his TA. He said he needed me to do this and I wanted to get it done while he was still in his meeting.” She held her arms out for the stuff but I could see them shaking. Still, she was stubborn. “I just want to get it done. Who wants to run into their boss on the weekend, right?”
I didn’t like the energy coming from her but before I could say anything, Professor Hall came out of the building I’d just escaped and looked around until he spotted us. My creep radar went through the fucking roof as he came our way.
Jenny looked over her shoulder to see what I was looking at and I saw her shoulders stiffen up. “Great.”