“Don’t let that get out…” I smiled. “You’re stunning, Jenny. Your eyes kill me. And your mouth… I dreamt about this mouth a lot longer than I should’ve.”

“Shut up. Did not.”

“I did. And that’s all I’ll say.” I gently gathered her hair out of her eyes. “What did you mean when you said you get why we mark you?”

She shivered and licked her lips. “I’m embarrassed.”

“Try me.”

“Fine. I’ll tell you. If you get weirded out, it’s your fault, though.” She took a deep breath in. “I thought of you walking around campus and I just… I wanted people to know. I wanted them to know that there’s someone riding you, someone being fucked so good that sinking their teeth into you is the only way they can express the pleasure.”

I sank my teeth into my lip hard and all but kicked my door open. I had Jenny spread over the hood of the car, my dick rock hard again, in seconds. I thrust in deep and then met her gaze. “You want weird, Jenny? I went to practice Sunday morning with the scent of your pussy all over me and I fucking hated washing it off.”

She wrapped her legs around me and dropped her head back when I thrust harder. When I wrapped my arm around her and put my hand under her head so she wouldn’t bang it on the hood, she let out a shaky laugh. “So hot and so sweet. Fuck me, Hudson.”

I covered her mouth with mine and when she interlaced our fingers, I knew I was fucked. It would take a lot more than Jason to keep me away from her.


Ibouncedintothekitchen the next morning feeling lighter than I had in longer than I could remember. I’d slept under the stars with Hudson and snuck back into the house in the wee hours of the morning, just to fall into bed together again. It was strange but I was excited to see Axel and Ryder and go to my classes for the day.

Everything being out about Landon didn’t feel so suffocating after my night with Hudson. I felt almost hopeful. It was like letting everything out had taken fifty pounds off my shoulders. I was even excited about the game that weekend after a text from Axel’s mom letting me know she had an outfit for me.

Ryder was leaning against the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee in his hands and a scowl on his face. That scowl lessened marginally when he saw me and his arm extended as an invitation for me to come to him. Butterflies filled my stomach and I bounded into his chest seconds after he moved the coffee out of the way. He grunted and held the mug out so he didn’t spill it on me.

“Oops. Sorry.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and inhaled his scent before trying to take a step back. His arm locked around me, though, and I squeaked at finding myself flush against him. I looked up and saw those glacier eyes melting for me. “Hi.”

His eyes moved over my face and his scowl slowly slipped into an almost smile. “You’re happy.”

I shrugged even as a blush stained my cheeks. I stretched up and tilted my head back to offer him my mouth. “I could be happier.”

That got a full smile and then he was kissing me, holding my head in his hands and tasting me with his talented tongue. The sound of glass breaking startled us apart and he had me in his arms and off the ground before I saw what’d happened.

“Damn.” He stared down at his shattered coffee cup and spilled coffee with a shake of his head before looking back at me. “If you turn me into a slob like Hudson, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

I ran my fingers over the stubble coming in on his chin. “Is it gross if I tell you I missed you?”

His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smirked. “Gross? Maybe. Cute as hell? Yeah.”

“Then I’ll tell you.” I leaned closer and pressed my mouth against his ear. “I missed you.”

He put me down on the counter and held my hips as he wedged himself between my thighs. He took his time looking at me, even lifting my hair and tugging my shirt out with one finger to look inside. “I’m going to kick Hud’s ass.”

I let out an unexpected bark of laughter. “What? Why?”

“While I was stuck here pretending I wasn’t missing you and dying to have you in my arms or over my knee for not taking your phone, he was inside you.” He brushed his thumbs over my warm cheeks. “He left his mark all over you.”

Hudson strolled into the kitchen yawning and didn’t even notice the coffee and glass he nearly stepped in. He came straight to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Morning. I hear you complaining, Ry, but I think I got the brunt of the marks. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to hide everything from the team during workouts this week.”

I stared in horror when he lifted his shirt and showed us his back and shoulders. I slapped my hands over my face and groaned into Ryder’s chest. “I’m so sorry! I need to buy those cap things people put on their cats! Or maybe you guys should just tie my hands up. I can’t keep hurting you.”

Axel groaned from the doorway. “Did you just suggest we tie you up? Kitten, it’s too early in the morning to get that kinky but I can try.”

Ryder kissed the top of my head. “Stay. I’m going to clean my mess up.”

Axel and Hudson both did a double take. Axel rubbed his eyes. “Did you sayyourmess?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”