I opened my mouth and then snapped it shut. “You’re not going to keep this just between us, are you?”

Axel huffed out a bitter laugh. “No, Kitten.”

Hudson pulled me into his side when my tears broke free. “Shit, baby. Ryder has a right to know. He’s in this thing with us and if they knew something and kept it from me, I’d lose my shit. Whatever we’re doing, we’re doing it together. That means Ryder knows. And Jason… keeping what we’re doing from Jason is one thing. If we keep this shit from him, he’d have every right to murder us in our sleep, Jenny. He’s been worried about you.”

“Rightfully so.” Axel scrubbed his hands down his face. “You tell them or we will, Kitten. I’m sorry to put it on you, but the secrets have to end.”

“We’rea secret.” My voice was pathetically weak as I tried to understand whether or not I’d already lost the guys before I even had them.

Axel leaned into my space and lowered his face so we were eye to eye. “We’re not a secret. Not in that way. We’re just…quiet.”

I pouted. “I don’t want to tell it twice. Can I just…do it tonight, I guess?”

He nodded. “That’s fine. As long as you aren’t planning on running away before then.”

A weak smile stretched my lips. “The thought had crossed my mind.”

“It’ll be okay, Jenny.” Hud ran his fingers through my hair, until they got tangled at least. His amused smile soothed a part of me that desperately needed it.

“You don’t hate me?” I knew I sounded ridiculous, but I couldn’t help it. I felt sick with worry that I’d disappointed them.

“Fuck, no.” Hudson sighed and dug into my ice cream. “You didn’t do anything wrong. The fact that you’re so afraid of us hating you makes me want to go back and finish what I started.”

“What did you say to him?”

I’d never seen Hudson look serious, but when he looked down at me, his face was a mask of ice that would’ve made Ryder shiver. “Sometimes being a DuPont is an exercise in stupid. Other times, it has its benefits. Especially the rumors about Papa DuPont doing business with a few shady characters when he needs to keep his own hands clean in tough business deals.”

I gaped up at him. “You did not threaten him with the mob, Hudson!”

His smile was just as cold. “I didn’t.”

“What’d you say then? I saw his face. He was scared of you.”

“I just told him that I wouldn’t need my father’s guys to handle him if he came near you again. I’d gladly do it myself.”

Axel laughed and shrugged when I glared at him. “What? It’s funny. Anyone who knows Hud knows that he’s a fucking teddy bear.”

Hudson grinned and it was full of his warmth again. “Yeah, well, he doesn’t know me.”

I breathed out a stress-filled sigh and held my glasses out. When I put them back on a few seconds later and they were clean, I frowned and looked over at Axel. “Did you…?”

He stroked his thumb over my cheek. “Yeah. On the rare occasion that Jason isn’t here to help, you’ve got me.”

“And me.” Hudson offered me a spoonful of ice cream and then fed it to me.

I swallowed it and tried to fight my tears. In a pitiful imitation of Ryder’s voice, I added to the count. “And me.”

They both laughed loud enough to draw Jackie over. She looked me over and smiled. “You seem a little happier. Was it the ice cream or the boys?”

I blushed. “Ice cream?”

“Oh, honey. Don’t quit your day job to start lying.”

Hud stretched his arm out behind me. “Funny thing, Ms. Jackie, Jenny here just lost her job. You always need help, right?”

I sat up and tried to look presentable. “I’m a hard worker. Ask me again if the ice cream cheered me up. I’ll convince you it was.”

The older woman laughed and then shrugged after a few minutes. “Fine. First shift you miss, you’re gone, though. And there’s no drama here. Today is the only day you’re allowed to cry in here. Understand?”