“Well?” I hugged my knees to my chest but quickly abandoned that position when Ryder’s eyes went straight back to my vagina. “Are you clean?”
His scowl slammed right back into place and I knew whatever version of Ryder I’d had was gone. “Of fucking course, I’m clean. I’ve never not worn a fucking condom. I’ve got plans. I don’t have time to knock someone up.”
I sighed and stretched my leg out to toe my shirt closer. My muscles resisted and I knew I was in for a long few days of walking funny. “Then we’re good. Stupid. But good.”
His eyes hardened and the ice king was officially back. “I knew you were a distraction I didn’t need. I meant what I said, Jenny. This is never happening again.”
I was getting good at keeping a straight face through men being shits to me. I wasn’t going to let Ryder think he meant a thing to me. Maybe he didn’t. I didn’t like the version of him glaring down at me, so maybe he was right. Staying away from him was the only choice, anyway.
I pulled my shirt on and felt stronger with a piece of clothing between us. “Ryder, I won’t be back.”
He yanked on a shirt of his own and shook his head. “Don’t. Next time you can’t get into your own room, find someone else.”
I stood up and slipped my legs into my pants. “That was the plan.”
He swore. “I don’t do this shit. I have a plan. It doesn’t include ruining everything for a woman who doesn’t own a brush.”
I laughed and piled my messy hair on top of my head with my clip. “I’m not sure you heard me. I’m not coming back. Did you ever consider that you could be a one and done, Ryder? Sure, I obviously liked what we just did, but your dick isn’t some wand fromHarry Potter,buddy. Cast a spell, you did not. I may limp out of this room, but I’m going happily and because I have other places to be.”
He planted his hands on his hips and stared down at me. I could see anger behind his eyes and knew he was struggling to get his precious control in check. “Is this what you wanted?”
I found my bag and phone. “What? Good sex with a guy I found attractive? Yes.”
“Were you even locked out of your room last night?”
I stepped into my Crocs and took a deep breath. If I shouted at Ryder, people would definitely know we’d crossed lines. Shaking my head, I leveled him with a hard stare. It occurred to me that I hadn’t been able to fight with Landon like I was fighting with Ryder. That was for another day, though. “I don’t like that you’re suggesting I tricked you into this. For the record, I woke up with your dick stabbing me and your hand holding my vagina like it was a fucking football in a winning game. Because I’m doing this new thing where I embrace my sexuality and explore the things I’m feeling, we fucked. I went into it hearing you say that it would never happen again and agreeing. I came out of it the same way. Only one of us is butthurt right now, Ryder. If you want to be angry, go throw a ball or something. You’re done talking to me like that.”
My phone chimed and I glanced at the message. My stomach sank because I knew what I was about to tell Ryder was going to just set him off even more.
“And apparently, you’re late for practice. Jason wants to know if I can check to see if you’re still here.” I cast one last look at him and rolled my eyes. “I’ll tell him not to worry about you going anywhere. Even if it looked like you might’ve been replaced with a nice guy for a few minutes, it was just a mirage. The ice king rides again.”
I didn’t look back as I left his room and I even managed to walk all the way to my room before I had to stop walking like I wasn’t sore. I locked my bedroom door, cast a dark glare at my bed, and waddled to the shower. My body was in pain. Unfortunately, my feelings weren’t very tough, either. No matter how much being a brat to Ryder gave me confidence, it was short lived.
I was already back to being myself and I wanted to crawl under the house and stay there until the guys all graduated, and I never had to see them again.
Ithrewatowelat Ryder and scowled at him. After seeing the back of Jenny’s head disappear into his room the night before, and then never reappear, I wasn’t feeling too happy with my best friend. “On the off chance our best friend can recognize his sister’s scratch marks, how about you cover them up?”
He glared back at me. “Don’t fucking start with me, Fitzgerald.”
“Don’t start with you? I just had to run ten fucking miles because you couldn’t show up on time. If you can’t handle her, just admit it and get out of the way.” We both shut up as a teammate walked by. As soon as he was gone, I jabbed a finger in Ryder’s direction. “Judging by the giant stick up your ass, I get the vibe things didn’t go your way.”
He yanked his shirt on, covering some of the claw marks Kitten had left on him. “I’m not trying to handle her. Consider me out of the fucking way. Just so we’re clear, though?”
I ground my teeth and knew whatever he was going to say was going to piss me off.
“It wasn’t your name she was screaming this morning.” He came closer. “And I don’t think she could get all of me out of her, even if she wanted to. So, even if you do find your way there, I’m still fucking deeper.”
I don’t know who threw the first punch but we fought equally hard to beat the shit out of each other. When half the offensive line yanked us apart, we were both breathing hard and ready to go again until Coach walked through the locker room.
He stopped between me and Ryder, took one look at our faces, and slapped his playbook against his thigh. “Is there a problem here?”
With the real possibility of being benched, we both straightened up and shook our heads. I swallowed blood from a cut lip and held Coach’s hard stare. “No, sir. We’re good.”
When he looked at Ryder, Ryder nodded. “All good.”
“One of these days men will learn to talk with words instead of fists.” Coach sighed and walked a few feet away. “Oh. Don’t think you’re getting off that easy, though. You can both give Brad the night off. You’re on towel duty. I want them clean and crisp tomorrow morning, gentlemen.”